Lepidoptera Predators, Pathogens and Remedies for Same
I am going to begin a section on Saturniidae (as well as opther lepidotera) parasites, parasitoids, and predators (all kinds: birds, lizards (reptiles), rodents, amphibians, mammals,
mollusks (pretty sure slugs eat pupae), spiders, insects, microorganisms (viruses, fungi, bacteria) etc.). Any electronic images that you can send and experiences that
you can relate would be much appreciated. I will aslo try to find and post best remedies to problems created by these "pests" so anything you can share that might help others
would be appreciated. I will add to this section (in Bill's Articles) as pictures and info arrive.
Manduca sexta emergent moth, prey to Sceloporus olivaceus, the Texas Spiny Lizard.
Cotesia: Small wasp parasitoids of Braconidae Family.
Insect Predators:
Polistes fuscatus Texas, attacking Manduca quinquemaculatus larva, by Eric Runfeldt:
interesting flight strategy. I imagine that many Saturniidae larvae meet a similar fate.
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