Most of the CAR consists of hot, dry Sudano-Guinean savannas, but it also has a Sahelo-Sudanese zone (almost desert) in the north and an equatorial forest zone in the south. Only eight percent of the country is forest with most of that in the south.
The climate is tropical, with hot dry winds blowing across the flat or rolling savannas, causing desertification in the northeast.
The following checklist probably has many erroneous inclusions and doubtless has some omissions, but it can be used as a starting point in trying to do determinations. Please send digital images with data to oehlkew@islandtelecom.com and I will do my best to assist with determinations.
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I am going to start (someday??) to build checklists for the different prefectures and other administrative units. Most species can probably be found along the borders with southeastern Cameroon, northeastern Congo Brazzaville and northern Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Sangha | Haute-Sangha | Lobaye | Ombella-Mpoko | Kemo-Gribingui |