Updated from Lemaire's works, Brechlin & Meister's Entomo Sat-sphingia journals 2008-2015; September 3, 2016 |
It would be host to low elevation Saturniidae rainforest and savannah/pampa species, having an average elevation of about 300m. Santa Ana in central Beni has an elevation of 144m. Trinidad is at 155m; San Borja is at 119m.
It is sparsely populated and under explored.
NB: Those species followed by ? are unconfirmed. They are low elevation species found in surrounding areas. I think they might be present in Beni.
Note well: very few Saturniidae species have actually been confirmed from Beni. Those species followed by ? are purely speculative.
I have made this tentative checklist primarily as an identification tool for myself should I begin to receive electronic images from Beni Department.
My intitial attempts at determinations would be to compare the images with those of species I suspect are in Beni.
Quite a few of the species listed below may not be found in Beni, and there are probably quite a few species that do fly in Beni that are not on my tentative lists.
I have not seen such checklists in Lemaire's publications, and the checklists are derived by going through his species accounts, one at a time.
I, William Oehlke, have added some interpolations, designated by a (?). Please note, my interpolations are not confirmed and may or may not be present. Please send sightings/images to Bill Oehlke.
Those species followed by * are confirmed by Claude Lemaire. There are some additions by Thibaud Decaens (t) and by All Leps Bar Code of Life (a). In some cases, the recently described species, 2008 and more recent, may represent replacements for some of the older names still on the list.
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