This should help with identifications of many "look-a-like" species.
I have not seen such checklists in Lemaire's publications, and these checklists are derived by going through his species accounts, one at a time.
I, William Oehlke, have added some interpolations, designated by (?). Please note, my interpolations are not confirmed and may or may not be present. Please send sightings/images to Bill Oehlke.
Dr. Lemaire's confirmed reports are indicated by his initials (CL). Additions beyond that will receive a special note.
Visit North Region: Rondonia; Acre; Amazonas; Roraima; Para; Amapa; Tocantins
Visit Northeast Region: Alagoas; Bahia; Ceara; Maranhao; Paraiba; Pernambuco; Piaui; Rio Grande do Norte; Sergipe.
Center-West Region: Goias; Mato Grosso; Mato Grosso do Sul; Federal District.
Visit Southeast Region: Espirito Santo; Minas Gerais; Rio de Janeiro; Sao Paulo
Visit South Region: Rio Grande do Sul; Parana; Santa Catarina
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