Hyperchiria plicata group
Updated as per Entomo Satsphingia Jahrgang 3, Heft 5, 18.11, 2010; November 16, 2013
Updated as per Entomo Satsphingia Jahrgang 4, Heft 4, 21.10, 2011; November 16, 2013
Updated as per Entomo Satsphingia Jahrgang 5, Heft 1, 11.04, 2012; November 16, 2013
Hyperchiria plicata Group

Hyperchiria acuta male, San Isidro, Napo, Ecuador,
April 7, 2011, courtesy of Les Catchick.
Superfamily: Bombycoidea, Latreille, 1802
Family: Saturniidae, Boisduval, [1837] 1834
Subfamily: Hemileucinae, Grote & Robinson, 1866
Tribe: Hemileucinae, Grote & Robinson, 1866
Genus: Hyperchiria, Hubner, [1819]
"Someone to Watch Over Me"
copyright C. Odenkirk
Please note: The advent of DNA barcoding has resulted in many new descriptions (approximately 200 "new" Saturniidae species, 2010,
even more 2011-2013). In many cases the "new" species are quite similar to existing species. Do not be surprised if more refined testing or revisions of "thresholds of difference" result in
some synonymies or even more species/subspecies designations. Subsequent rearing may or may not indicate differences in
larval appearance. It will be interesting to see how this all pans out.
I do not have permission to post on this webpage all the images available to me in book or journal publications. Some images are on my home computer only.
In some cases only the male or the female, but not both genders, of a given species has been described as of November 16, 2013. Thus, there are some images missing
from the display you are able to see.
Descriptions and forewing lengths, provided, refer to males of the species. The stated ranges may be more expansive than indicated.
It is hoped that what has been provided will be helpful for identification work.
If you have images that you can submit with data, the pictures and information, credited to you, will be added to the respective files.
In 2010, Brechlin and Meister elevated Hyperchiria nausica form azteca to full species status as Hyperchiria azteca.
Hyperchiria plicata Group: Hw iris: red with relatively
small white pupil; hw ground colour: beige.
H. plicata female
fwl: 35-37mm
Brazil: RJ; ES
H. extremapex female
1000-1800m; fwl:39-40mm
| Bolivia: La Paz: Nor Yungas

Hyperchiria acutapex male
fwl: mm undescribed as of November 2013
H. acutapex female
1000-1800m; fwl: 34-35mm
| Bolivia: La Paz: Nor Yungas
H. acuta female
400-2000m; fwl: 34-37 mm
| Peru: TUM; SAM; AMA;
Ecuador: CA; NA; PA; MS;
Colombia: Valle
M: contrasting forewing

H. interacuta male
650-2000m; fwl: 25-26mm
H. interacuta female
undescribed as of November 2013
fwl: mm
| Peru: Junin
Male: fairly uniform yellow-orange ground colour with greenish forewing cell
H. australoacuta female
fwl: mm
| Peru: Cusco; Madre de Dios
Boliv.: La Paz; Cochabamba
H. parallela female
550-1100m; fwl: 35-37mm
| Ecuador: Pichincha
reddish-brown fem. similar to acutapex hw median band almost tangential to ocellus
HW marginal area grey

Hyperchiria parda male
fwl: mm
undescribed as of November 2013
H. parda female
1200m; fwl: 33mm
| Ecuador: Tungurahua
reddish-brown fem. similar to acutapex
hw median band distant from ocellus
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