Rachesa adusta female
female unknown??
Males of almost all other species have outward tracing of pm line with fine pinkish-white
Pe.: Puno; Cusco Ecu.: Napo
| basal area grey; median area orange with fine darker spotting;
no inner/outer tracing of slightly pre-apical pm line; heavy suffusions of grey-brown in pm area; lilac-grey
along o. m.

breteuili female: 102-115mm;
on my home computer only
W. Ec.; W. Co.: Cauca; Pe. ??
| often thin white extension of cell spot, or black outline toward costa;
Only Rachesa from W. Ec.
Fw apex not as sharp as in eastern Ec. species

arianae male
80-90mm; 2240-2375m.
Ecuador: Morona Santiago
arianae female
female unknown as of end of 2013
Ecuador: Morona Santiago
Male very similar to other east Peruvian species.
Reddish-brown median area.;
Aml dark, dstinct, straight, inwardly lined with pink;
Pml dark, straight, strong pink line suffusion from im to apex. Pink mrgnl suffusion broadens, runs from apex to aa.

| Orange median area; stronger pink aml suffusion; weaker pml suffusion than arianae
pink suffusion in submarginal area dissipates before anal angle

alegrensis male
87mm; 1950m
Peru: Amazonas: Vista Alegre
alegrensis female
female unknown as of end of 2013
Peru: Amazonas: Vista Alegre
| forewing apex broader, not as acute as in many other species
Pml slightly concave in lower half; without the outer light tracing. Hw outer margin slightly convex, not angular

viksinjaevi male
82mm; 1620-3035m
Peru: Junin; Pasco
viksinjaevi female
116mm; 1620-3035m
Peru: Junin; Pasco
| Fw outer margin slightly convex;
hw outer margin straight; not concave as in sinjaevorum;
reddish ground colour

sinjaevorum male
89mm; 2310-2850m
Bolivia: Cochabamba: Sierra Siberia
sinjaevorum female
115mm; 2310-2850m
Bolivia: Cochabamba: Sierra Siberia
| Common; larger, darker brown than nisa;
fw wider than nisa; apex less pointed;
fw white discal spot larger;
hw o. m. straight to slightly concave

nisa female viksinjaevi??
102-115mm; 1600-2300m
| smaller, brighter, more orangey than
sinjaevorum; narrower forewing with smaller white discal spot;
hindwing outer margin straight possibly only in S. Peru

lampei male
76mm; 900m
Peru: San Martin
lampei female
female unknown as of end of 2013
Peru: San Martin
| Broader, more rounded fw apical area;
apical, thin, straight pml, outwardly traced in pale pink; aml inwardly lined with pink;
hw o.m. quite convex

| broad pinkish-white suffusion outside pm line, almost obscuring thin, dark, pml; same broad suffusion inside aml;
orange ground colour with heavy dark spotting and brownish tints

chrisbrechlinae female
110mm; 1000-1900m
Bolivia: La Paz, Santa Cruz
| Much like reventador; darker (brown with orangey tint) with the male having larger white cell spot;
possibly replaces reventador in Bolivia?? maybe not