Automerella, Automeris, Automeropsis, Pseudautomeris
This page is inspired by and dedicated to Philippe Brems who has provided many images from Sao Bento Do Sul in northeastern Santa Catarina,

Automeris melanops male, Sao Bento Do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil,
70mm, December 2013, courtesy of Philippe Brems.

Automeris melanops ?? male, Sao Bento Do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil,
58mm, December 2013, courtesy of Philippe Brems.
Regarding the second melanops?? image directly above, I note the following:
1) this specimen is significantly smaller (58mm) than Lemaire's stated wingspan
2) the pm line is slightly more pre-apical than in other specimens, and the same line seems to lack the thini inward tracing of yellow
3) the forewing ocelli have white dots at center, more prominent than in other specimens, and the ocelli on all wings are larger than in other melanops specimens I
have seen
4) the forewing apex seems more rounded downward to its point than in other specimens, but that could just be a spreading difference.
5) the reddish hw pm band tapers in width
6) the white patches at the juncture of the forewings and thorax are not apparent if present
Perhaps all six of the above characters are within the variation for melanops; perhaps the specimen is of an undescribed species??? Bill Oehlke

Automeris inornata male, Sao Bento Do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil,
60mm, December 2013, courtesy of Philippe Brems.

Automeris inornata female, Sao Bento Do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil,
80mm, December 2013, courtesy of Philippe Brems.
Many thanks also go to the other individuals (Chris Conlan, Reinhard Foerster, Eurytides Furtado, Carlos Mielke, Ryan Saint Laurent, Larry Valentine,
Eric van Schayck), who have contributed images depicted on this page,
alog with information and have helped with identifications and corrections to flesh out the active links listed below.
Specific collection locations in Santa Catarina are indicated in green text below each image in the table.
These provisional checklists of the different Saturniidae subfamilies have been largely created by going through the information provided in the
four great Saturniidae works by the late Dr. Claude Lemaire (*) of France: Attacidae (1978), Arsenurinae (1980), Ceratocampinae (1988) and
Hemileucinae (2002), and have been updated to include all of the new species designations in the Entomo-Satsphingia journals (e) from 2008-2015.
I have made many of my own interpolations from those works, particularly if a species was described from both Parana to the north and Rio Grande Do Sul to the south.
Those interpolations are followed by "?" to indicate I have no confirmed reports, but I anticipate the species has a range including the state of Santa Catarina.
Many new species have been described since the publications of Dr. Lemaire works and much effort has been made and continues to be made with revisions to the lists.
Descriptions in the table's right hand column pertain to males of the given species.
This website is designed and maintained by Bill Oehlke who can be reached at If you have additions, corrections, data, images, etc., please send to Bill Oehlke.
Automerella aurora male
Rio de Janeiro; Espirito Santo; Sao Paulo; Minas Gerais; Matto Grosso
Automerella aurora female
Rio de Janeiro; Espirito Santo; Sao Paulo; Minas Gerais; Matto Grosso
Sorry no image of female available
Lemaire's 2002 depictions of "aurora" are more likely winbrechlini (male) and chrisbrechlinae (female)
| I am pretty sure chrisbrechlinae
replaces aurora in Santa Catarina.
Fw: bright creamy-white: suffusion dark grey suffusions, giving fw silvery appearance.
Automer. chrisbrechlinae male
mws: 43-50mm; fws 50-60mm
Sao Bento do Sul; Rio Vermelho
>Automerella chrisbrechlinae f
mws: 43-50mm; fws 50-60mm
Sao Bento do Sul; Rio Vermelho
Automerella miersi female
mws: ??" fws: 45-49mm
Automerella flexuosa m
mws: 47-70mm; fws: 72-91mm
Sao Bento do Sul; Schroeder; Nova Teutonia
Automerella flexuosa f
mws: 47-70mm; fws: 72-91mm
Sao Bento do Sul; Schroeder; Nova Teutonia
| Fw apex quite produced;very dark brown cell; slightly lighter brown median area, lightening above and outside the cell;
thin pml; beige pm area
Automeris beckeri male
91-113mm; Corupa; Rio Natal; Rio Vermelho; Nova Teutonia
Automeris beckeri female
105-120mm; Corupa; Rio Natal; Rio Vermelho; Nova Teutonia
| Very broadly pre-apical, grey-brown, thin, straight pm line, outwardly bordered
in grey-beige followed by dark grey-brown subterminal band and lighter terminal area.
Aut. bilinea tamphilus female
105mm; 800m; Santa Catarina
| Forewing pm line relatively close to outer margin.
Distinctive, thin, black, double hw pm lines trace narrow yellow. Hw ocellus traced with thin black ring.
Automeris illustris male
mws: 89-101mm; fws: 91-122
Sao Bento do Sul; Corupa; Nova Teutonia; Rio Vermelho; Timbo; San Jose
Automeris illustris female
mws: 89-101mm; fws: 91-122
Sao Bento do Sul; Corupa; Nova Teutonia; Rio Vermelho; Timbo; San Jose
| Males often with more orangey-brown ground colour; lines faintly traced with yellow on facing sides; cell
darker grey; diffuse whitish subterminal line
Automeris melanops male
mws: 70-88mm; fws: 70-99mm
Joinville; Corupa; Schroeder; Sao Bento do Sul
Automeris melanops female
mws: 70-88mm; fws: 70-99mm
Joinville; Corupa; Schroeder; Sao Bento do Sul
| Fw apex slightly produced, very pointed
Apical brown pm line is inwardly traced with fine yellow
Anal angle pale
Automeris melanops??? male
mws: 58mm; fws: ??
Sao Bento do Sul
| Sorry, no female image is available
mws: 58mm; fws: ??
Sao Bento do Sul
The male specimen to left is very small (58mm), has prominent white dot in larger forewing ocellus,
lacks white shoulders, has forewing apex less acutely pointed ... more
| The hindwing ocellus is quite large, the forewing pm line lacks inner tracing of thin yellow;
perhaps ?? an undescribed species
Automeris inornata male
mws: 61-70mm; fws: 69-86mm
Sao Bento do Sul; Corupa; Rio Vermelho;
Automeris inornata female
mws: 61-70mm; fws: 69-86mm
Sao Bento do Sul; Corupa; Rio Vermelho;
| Dark brown, almost uniform colouration with slight contrast of silvery grey suffusions in median area.
Prominent white pupil in forewing ocellus of both genders.
Automeris muscula male
mws: 50-58mm; fws: 65-80mm
Rio Vermelho; Rio Lajes; Nova Bremen; Mafra
Automeris muscula female
mws: 50-58mm; fws: 65-80mm
Rio Vermelho; Rio Lajes; Nova Bremen; Mafra
| Almost uniform dark grey with little contrast except for a darker cell
Elongated, tapering apex w/o sharp point; oblique outer margin.
Automeris nubila male
mws: 55-58mm; fws: 70-78mm
Anitapolis; Nova Teutonia; Corupa
Automeris nubila female
mws: 55-58mm; fws: 70-78mm
Anitapolis; Nova Teutonia; Corupa
| Almost uniform very dark grey-black with even darker cell. Forewing apex is produced and somewhat
truncated; Lines more prominent than muscula
Automeris tristis male
mws: 52-60mm; fws: 69-77mm
Sao Bento do Sul, Rio Vermelho, Corupa, Rio Negrinho, Nova Teutonia
Automeris tristis female
mws: 52-60mm; fws: 69-77mm
Sao Bento do Sul, Rio Vermelho, Corupa, Rio Negrinho, Nova Teutonia
| Apex produced and pointed; Creamy apical pm line very prominent and concave;
Am line also creamy and prominent; uniform dark grey except for lighter lower half of terminal area
Automeris naranja male
mws: 56-67mm; fws: 58-79mm
Nova Teutonia, Sao Bento do Sul
Automeris naranja female
mws: 56-67mm; fws: 58-79mm
Nova Teutonia, Sao Bento do Sul
| Basal-median areas concolorous; uniform; without lighter suffusions
just inside pm line; black form; brown form
A. umbrosa lampei male
mws: 57-65mm; fws: 68-79mm
unconfirmed in Santa Catarina, but likely present
A. umbrosa lampei female
mws: 57-65mm; fws: 68-79mm
unconfirmed in Santa Catarina, but likely present
| ????? Very similar to naranja but lampei has lighter suffusions
just inside pm line while naranja has uniform colour in median area
Automeris nebulosa male
58-70mm; 300-500m
Anitapolis; Nova Teutonia; Corupa
Automeris nebulosa female
64-80mm; 300-500m
Anitapolis; Nova Teutonia; Corupa
| Male and female fw pm line broadly pre-apical, inwardly thinly traced with yellow
Almost uniform drab brown ground colour
Automeris basalis male
54-70mm; 300-1200m
Nova Teutonia
Automeris basalis female
69-84mm; 300-1200m
Nova Teutonia
| M & f fw pml brown, very slightly pre-apical, inwardly thinly traced with white
Generous suffusion of lighter scales in median area
Automeris ovalina male
mws: 52-60mm; 300-1800m
Sao Bento do Sul; Teutonia; Rio Negrinho; Rio Vermelho
Automeris ovalina female
fws: 71-75mm; 300-1800m
Sao Bento do Sul; Teutonia; Rio Negrinho; Rio Vermelho
| Apex rounded, fw outer margin quite convex
Apical fw pml slightly sinuate, close to aml along inner margin
lighter median area
Automeris castrensis male
48-57mm; 750m
not confirmed in Santa Catarina, just Parana thus far
Automeris castrensis female
68-74mm; 750m
Fw elongate with rounded apex; apical, downwardly convex, whitish pm line meets i.m. near mid point.
Cell: small white dot surrounded by diffuse grey, black ring

Automeropsis umbrata, Massaranduba, Santa Catarina, Brazil,
August 12, 2018, courtesy of Joao Amarildo Ranguetti, id by Bill Oehlke.
Automeropsis umbrata male
mws: 60-68mm; 650m
Joinville, Rio Natal, Sao Bento do Sul
Automeropsis umbrata female
fws: 78-104mm; 650m
Joinville, Rio Natal, Sao Bento do Sul
| Forewings quite produced and pointed.
Faint, thin, pale yellow, slightly preapical pm line, outwardly lined with a much thicker brown

Automeris naranja male, (black), Sao Bento Do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil,
December 2013, 56mm, courtesy of Philippe Brems.

Automeris naranja male, (brown), Sao Bento Do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil,
December 2013, 60mm, courtesy of Philippe Brems.
Pseudautomeris brasiliensis male
mws: 79-94mm; 160-900m
Joinville; Rio Julio; Sao Bento do Sul
Pseudautomeris brasiliensis female
fws: 84-113mm; 160-900m
Joinville; Rio Julio; Sao Bento do Sul
Fw: elongate; Gc: almost uniform orangey-beige;
Lines orange-brown, bordered w thin yellow tracing on facing sides;
Sbmrgnl band vague; Discal spot concolorous to slightly darker w black extremity dots
Pseudautomeris coronis female
Joinville; Corupa
| Broad, squarish forewing. Dark brown with orange-beige suffusions in basal area; greyish suffusions in median area.
Prominent white dots at vein to pml intersections.
Rio de Janeiro to Santa Catarina so should be in SP.
Pseudautomeris erubescens male
71-93mm; 300-760m
Rd Vila Nova (Joinville) to Schroeder
Pseudautomeris erubescens female
93-96mm; 300-760m
Rd Vila Nova (Joinville) to Schroeder
| Fw darker (more reddish brown); more squarish than brasiliensis.
Light inward yellow tracing of thin brown pml, which tends to blend into ground colour.
Pink to pinkish-beige abdomen
Pseudautomeris subcoronis female
84-112mm; 300-500m
Nova Teutonia; Corupa
| Similar to hubneri, but brown abdomen, not black abdomen, and lighter ground colour.
White dots at intersections of veins and pml not conspicuous; much lighter than coronis.
Pseudautomeris hubneri male
69-98mm; m
no precise SC location given
Pseudautomeris hubneri female
75-115mm; m
no precise SC location given
| Abdomen: dorsally black
Fw elongate, not apically produced
Out. mar. straight
Pml dark w small white/yellow dots at inersections w veins
Aml dark; both lines w/o inner yellow tracing as in brasiliensis
Pseudautomeris luteata male
62-63-78mm; 450-1900m
Rio Natal; Rio Vermelho; Sao Bento do Sul
Pseudautomeris luteata female
79-92mm; 450-1900m
Rio Natal; Rio Vermelho; Sao Bento do Sul
| Males can be yellow or orange from same brood.
Dark lines w thin yellow tracing on facing sides,
Pseudautomeris grammivora male
60-75mm; 750m
Nova Teutonia; Sao Bento do Sul, Rio Vermelho
Pseudautomeris grammivora female
65-95mm; 750m
Nova Teutonia; Sao Bento do Sul, Rio Vermelho
| Fw elongate, not apically produced; O. m. oblique, straight to slightly convex
Very weak am line
Pml: pre-apical, thick yellow above thin brown.
Pseudautomeris stawiarskii male
Bill Oehlke rendering
63-79mm; 750m
Rio Vermelho
Pseudautomeris stawiarskii female
72-87mm; 750m
Sorry, No image of the female is available.
Rio Vermelho
Note black abdomen and relatively thick yellow on upper side of thin, brown, apical, fw pm line. Sympatric with
grammivora in Rio Vermelho, SC.
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