Callodirphia, Cerodirphia, Dirphia, Dirphiopsis, Pseudodirphia

Dirphia dentimaculata male, Sao Bento Do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil,
80mm, December 2013, courtesy of Philippe Brems

Dirphia dentimaculata female, 95mm, Sao Bento Do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil,
December 2013, courtesy of Philippe Brems
Regarding the two images directly above, which I have tentatively identified as Dirphia dentimaculata, the male seems a pretty good, but not
perfect, match for Lemaire's image of same in his Hemileucinae, 2002. As far as I know the female remains undescribed, and the female supplied by Philippe
Brems does not seem a good match for any other known Dirphia from the area so by process of elimination, I have tentatively identified her as
Dirphia dentimaculata. Note the much closer proximity of the pm line to the outer margin in the female I have listed as dentimaculata????
The Dirphia species which would be closest in apearance to dentimaculata would be the muscosa which I believe are accurately identified and depicted below.
Note the broadly pre-apical pm line, especially of the female dentimaculata below compared to the female above. I also note the male and female above are both smaller
than the male and female below, respectively.

Dirphia muscosa male, Sao Bento do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil,
85mm, December 2013, courtesy of Philippe Brems

Dirphia muscosa female, Sao Bento do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil,
105mm, December 2013, courtesy of Philippe Brems
Locations on the map are approximations. Most of the collecting reports have come from the northeastern part of Santa Catarina, and it is difficult to place them
without overlapping text.
This page is inspired by and dedicated to Philippe Brems who has provided many images from Sao Bento Do Sul in northeastern Santa Catarina,
Many thanks also go to the other individuals (Chris Conlan, Reinhard Foerster, Eurytides Furtado, Carlos Mielke, Ryan Saint Laurent, Larry Valentine,
Eric van Schayck, Bernhard Wenczel), who have contributed images depicted on this page,
along with information and have helped with identifications and corrections to flesh out the active links listed below.
Specific collection locations in Santa Catarina are indicated in green text below each image in the table.
These provisional checklists of the different Saturniidae subfamilies have been largely created by going through the information provided in the
four great Saturniidae works by the late Dr. Claude Lemaire (*) of France: Attacidae (1978), Arsenurinae (1980), Ceratocampinae (1988) and
Hemileucinae (2002), and have been updated to include all of the new species designations in the Entomo-Satsphingia journals (e) from 2008-2015.
I have made some of my own interpolations from those works, particularly if a species was described from both Parana to the north and Rio Grande Do Sul to the south.
Those interpolations are followed by "?" to indicate I have no confirmed reports, but I anticipate the species has a range including the state of Santa Catarina.
Many new species have been described since the publications of Dr. Lemaire works and much effort has been made and continues to be made with revisions to the lists.
Descriptions in the table's right hand column pertain to males of the given species.
This website is designed and maintained by Bill Oehlke who can be reached at If you have additions, corrections, data, images, etc., please send to Bill Oehlke.

Callodirphia arpi male
Sao Bento do Sul; Joinville; Rio Vermelho; Rio Lajes; Nova Bremen; Rio Negrinho
Callodirphia arpi female
Sao Bento do Sul; Joinville; Rio Vermelho; Rio Lajes; Nova Bremen; Rio Negrinho
| Males may have orange, yellow or white patches on the hind wings.
Cerodirphia opis male
mws: 70-75mm; 850m
Sao Bento do Sul; Joinville; Rio Vermelho
Cerodirphia opis female
fws 89-96mm; 850m
Sao Bento do Sul; Joinville; Rio Vermelho
| Fw apex quite rounded; outer margin convex
Am and pm lines convex, traced with white on facing sides
Elongate white cell mark variable in size and shape
| | Am/pm lines straight with pml far from outer margin, aml far from body, creating reduced median field
White lining on facing sides of am/pm lines.
Fw: white striga in cell
Male zikani and occikani both have a dark curved striga in fw cell
Sao Bento do Sul
| Terminal and median areas lighter brown than in the very similar, darker brown zikani.
Black striga in fw cell
Both species may be sympatric in some areas. Lacks prominent dark discal mark on hindwing
Cerod. zikani male
50-52mm; 850m
Rio Vermelho
Cerod. zikani female
mm; 850m
Rio Vermelho
| Almost identical to occikani, but zikani tends to be darker.
| | Sympatric with parvagans in Santa Catarina
Vagans tends to be darker, smaller and with a more pointed forewing apex.
Cerodirphia parvagans female
Sao Bento do Sul; Sierra Natal; Rio Vermelho
| This species has more rounded forewing apices, and has a reddish tinge to ground colour than does vagans.
Parvagans also tends to be slightly larger.
Dirphia araucariae male
Mafra; Sao Bento do Sul; Rio Vermelho
Dirphia araucariae female
Mafra; Sao Bento do Sul; Rio Vermelho
| Very distinctive and unusual white am and pm lines on forewing.
Otherwise dark brown with some lighter brown suffusions, and lighte grey-brown terminal area.
Dirphia baroma ?? male
65-95mm; 38m
Dirphia baroma ?? female
103-110mm; 38m
| Males without distinct forewing lines, generally lighter than fornax.
Small, suboval, very dark cell mark, sometimes with small dark, separate trapezoid on costa just above cell mark.
Dirphia fornax male
m: 92-112mm; f: 115mm
Corupa; Sao Bento do Sul
Dirphia fornax female
m: 92-112mm; f: 115mm
Corupa; Sao Bento do Sul
| Males lack am or pm lines. Fw: Uniform brown to grey except for honey coloured sbtrmnl area & dark circular cell mark attached by stria to
dark costal triangle.
Dirphia dolosa male
mws: 68-87mm; fws: 92-101mm
Sao Bento do Sul; Brusque; Rio Vermelho
Dirphia dolosa female
mws: 68-87mm; fws: 92-101mm
Sao Bento do Sul; Brusque; Rio Vermelho
| Beige with extensive grey suffusions in all but sbtrmnl area. Lines thin, black. Pml straight with costal in-turn and inner margin out-turn.
Prominent black circular cell mark.
Dirphia muscosa male
m: 77-101mm; f: 97-124mm
Rio Vermelho; Nova Teutonia; Rio Negrinho; Joinville;
Dirphia muscosa female
m: 77-101mm; f: 97-124mm
Rio Vermelho; Nova Teutonia; Rio Negrinho; Joinville;
| Fw pml broadly pre-apical; scalloped; s-shaped when complete to inner margin but may be reduced to a trapezoid
extending to just below the cell
Dirphia dentimaculata?? female
95mm; 840m
Sao Bento do Sul
Dirphia triangulum female
110mm; 840m
Sao Bento do Sul
| Large, dark-brown, subtriangular patch, bounded by thin white line, in median field
Basal area, rest of median field to diffuse subterminal band: grey brown; terminal area: lighter grey
Dirphia curitiba male
mws: 76-95mm; fws:
Sao Bento do Sul; Rio Vermelho
Dirphia curitiba female
mws: 76-95mm; fws:
Sao Bento do Sul; Rio Vermelho sorry, no image of female is available
| Variable size of median area, often dentate along outer edge.
Less contrast between basal, median, terminal areas
Hw more orangey than triangulum.
Dirphiopsis ayuruoca female
mws: 62-67mm; fws: mm
Rio Vermelho
sorry no image of the female available
probably a montane species
| Oblique upper edge of dark brown basal band is straight, not irregular as in picturata
White aml meets inner margin at almost right angle, w/o out turn as in picturata
Dirphiopsis picturata female
mws: 90mm; 10-700m
| Lower brown half of basal area has irregular upper edge
white aml turns out at inner margin Median field brown with white spotting and irregular what marking in cell area.
Dirphiopsis trisignata male
53-67mm; 850m
Rio Vemelho, Sao Bento do Sul; Jaragua
Dirphiopsis trisignata female
83-94mm; 850m
Rio Vemelho, Sao Bento do Sul; Jaragua
| Aml straight from upper edge of costa to inner margin. Dark part of basal area is rectangular bar; upper part is purplish grey.
Median field: dark purplish-brown with white markings
Pml straight w out turn at costa
Dirphiopsis epiolina male
57-69mm; 300-920m
Rio Vermelho; Corupa; Sao Bento do Sul
Dirphiopsis epiolina female
71-90mm; 300-920m
Rio Vermelho; Corupa; Sao Bento do Sul
| Ground colour dark grey to dark brown with a white, subtriangular enclosure around cell and
generous white lines and spotting on the forewing.
Two, wide, diffuse, convex pm bands.
Dirphiopsis delta male
50-53mm; 500-950m
Rio Vermelho; Nova Teutonia
Dirphiopsis delta female
60-72mm; 500-950m
Rio Vermelho; Nova Teutonia
| Broadly pre-apical pml, subparallel to oblique outer margin.
Large off-white basal filled with dark grey suffusions; lower 1/3 median field off-white with heavy dark grey suffusions
mws: 54mm; fws: 57-70mm
Rio Vermelho
| Reduced basal field due to proximity of aml to i.m.; reduced post median field due to proximity of pml to o.m..
"Y" shaft: thin, elongated, connects both lines and lower edge of costa
Dirphiopsis multicolor male
54-88-97mm; 800m
Corupa; Rio Vermelho; Joinville
Dirphiopsis multicolor female
104-108mm; 800m
Corupa; Rio Vermelho; Joinville
| Subterminal, upper medium and most of basal areas grey-white with thick pure white
"y" shaft, tipped with brown in median & basal fields, completely brown in pm field.
Dirphiopsis wanderbilti male
mws: 63-74mm; fws: 94mm
Corupa; Rio Vermelho; Sao Bento do Sul; Joinville; Jaragua do Sul
Dirphiopsis wanderbilti female
mws: 63-74mm; fws: 94mm
rendering by Bill Oehlke
Corupa; Rio Vermelho; Sao Bento do Sul; Joinville; Jaragua do Sul
| Broadly pre-apical, straight, thin, dark brown pml, outwardly traced with
thick grey-white and then thin dark brown, parallel to outer margin.
Upper 3/4 of median field dark brown, lower 1/4 lighter beige-brown
Pseudodirphia catarinensis female
mws: 91-94mm; fws: 125mm
Sao Bento do Sul
Fw: uniform grey-beige with purplish tinge. Lines are purplish-grey with the pm line being noticeably concave.
Reddish bands on abdomen.
Add diasi and moderata as unconfirmed possibiities
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