Updated as per Entomo Satsphingia Jahrgang 4 Heft 4 21.10.2011; June 26, 2014


Austrolippa cruenta male copyright Kirby Wolfe

AUSTROLIPPA Bechlin & Meister, 2011

The genus Austrolippa belongs to the Hemileucini Tribe of Subfamily Hemileucinae in the Saturniidae Family. Larvae have urticating spines, and two members (so far) of this genus are found in southeastern Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay.

Up until 2011, these two species were classified as Molippa, but DNA barcoding analysis has led Brechlin & Meister to designate a new genus.

Austrolippa cruenta seventh instar, Brasil,
courtesy of Viktor Suter via Bernhard Wenczel.

P indicates an image is available. The first country listed is the specimen type locality.

Listing of Austrolippa:

P convergens (Walker, 1855), Brazil, Argentina
Hyperchiria praecruenta Maassen & weyding, 1885, Brazil, is same as convergens
P cruenta (Walker, 1855), southeastern Brazil, northeastern Argentina, Paraguay
Automeris semirosea Weymer, 1907, Brazil, is same as cruenta

Austrolippa Comparison Chart

Notes in right hand column apply to the male. The females are quite similar.

Austrolippa convergens male

Austrolippa convergens female

Fw pml is relatively straight, only slightly concave.

Hw ocellus is slightly oblong.

Austrolippa cruenta male

Austrolippa cruenta female

Fw pml quite concave. Sbtrmnl line more removed from outer margin.

Hw ocellus subcircular.

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