Updated as per Heppner's Checklist: Part 4B 1996, January 1, 2005 Updated as per Lemaire's Hemileucinae 2002, January 1, 2005 |
Callodirphia arpi male, January, Campos do Jordão, São Paulo, Brazil,
courtesy of Eurides Furtado.
The genus Callodirphia belongs to the Subfamily Hemileucinae in the Saturniidae Family. Larvae have urticating spines. Males are diurnal; females are nocturnal.
P indicates an image is available. The first country listed is the specimen type locality.
P arpi (Schaus, 1908) southeastern
satanas (Jones, 1908), Brazil, is a synonym for arpi
f. seitzi (Draudt, 1930), Brazil, is a synonym for arpi
f. zikani (Draudt, 1930), Brazil, is a synonym for arpi
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