Updated as per Heppner's Checklist: Part 4B 1996, January 1, 2005 Updated as per Lemaire's Hemileucinae 2002, January 1, 2005 Updated as per personal communication with Fernando Penco (nigrolinea in Argentina) June 2008 Updated as per Museum WITT Munchen internet publication, January 11, 2011 Updated as per Entomo Satsphingia Jahrgang 3 Heft 5 18.11.2010 Updated as per Entomo Satsphingia Jahrgang 4 Heft 4 21.10.2011 |
The discal cell is greatly reduced in members of this genus.
Please note: The advent of DNA barcoding has resulted in many new descriptions (several new species, 2010). In many cases the "new" species are quite similar to existing species. Do not be surprised if even more refined testing or revisions of thresholds of difference in the future results in some synonymies or even more species/subspecies. Subsequent rearing may or may not indicate differences in larval appearance. It will be interesting to see how this all pans out.
P indicates an image is available. The first country listed is the specimen type locality.
N amazonensis Brechlin & Meister 2011 Peru: Amazonas
N boliviochoba Brechlin & Meister 2010 Bolivia: La Paz
P choba (Druce, 1904) Peru: Cusco, Puno
rubella Dognin, 1910, Peru, is a synonym for choba
P chuquisaciana Brechlin & Meister 2010 Bolivia: Chuquisaca; probably Argentina: Salta
N cuscolinea Brechlin & Meister 2011 Peru: Cusco
P guajoni (Dognin, 1894) Ecuador, Colombia; ? Peru, Bolivia
P junopascoensis Brechlin & Meister 2010 Peru: Pasco; Junin
N jujuylinea Brechlin & Meister 2010 Argentina: Jujuy, possibly Salta
N levis (Johnson & Michener, 1948) Peru: Apurimac, Amazonas, possibly Huanuco
N levocuscoensis Brechlin & Meister 2010 Peru: Cusco
N levojunensis Brechlin & Meister 2011 Peru: Junin: Satipo: Calabaza
P levopascoensis Brechlin & Meister 2010 Peru: Pasco; Huanuco
N marcapata Brechlin & Meister 2011 Peru: Cusco, near Marcapata
P nigrolinea (Druce, 1906) Peru, Venezuela ??, Ecuador, Colombia
P mavanschaycki Brechlin & Meister 2010 Peru: Pasco
N olgae Brechlin & Meister 2010 Venezuela: Merida
N pomacochasensis Brechlin & Meister 2010 Peru: Amazonas
N santacruziana Brechlin & Meister 2010 Bolivia: Santa Cruz
P sinjaevorum Brechlin & Meister 2010 Bolivia: La Paz; Cochabamba
Brechlin & Meister, 2010, have designated the following groupings, which may make determinations easier:
Hirpida gaujoni Group: The single species in this "group" is unique in that the forewing am line is quite straight and is inwardly accented by a diffuse, slightly undulating white line. The lunulate, subterminal line is also white, and there is a diffuse white band running from near the anal angle toward the apical costa.P guajoni (Dognin, 1894) Ecuador, Colombia; ? Peru, ? Bolivia | ![]() Hirpida guajoni |
Hirpida choba/nigrolineata Group: Moths in the Choba subgroup seem to show little contrast between lines and ground colour.
P choba (Druce, 1904) Peru: Cusco, Puno Moths in the second subgroup show more contrast between the lines and the groundcolour.
N amazonensis Brechlin & Meister 2011 Peru: Amazonas | ![]()
Hirpida choba![]()
Hirpida junopascoensis |
Hidripa levis Group: In this group, the forewing am and pm "lines" have the appearance of broad, lighter coloured bands
rather than lines. There is no lunulate subterminal line, typical of species in the other groups. | ![]() Hirpida levopascoensis |