Updated as per Lemaire's Hemileucinae 2002, November 18, 2005
Updated as per personal correspondence with Carlos G. C. Mielke, November 2006; July 2009
Updated as per Entomo-Satsphingia Yahrgang 12 Heft 01 25.01.2019; February 22 - March 5, 2020


Kentroleuca sinjaevi male, Cordillera, Santa Cruz, Bolivia,
courtedy of G. Lecourt and Thibaud Decaens.


The genus Kentroleuca belongs to the Subfamily Hemileucinae in the Saturniidae Family. Larvae probably have urticating spines, but as of publication in 2002 of Lemaire's Hemileucinae, no hostplants or larval descriptions were known, and that may still be the case as of February, 2020.

Thus far members of this group seem confined to cerrado (grasslands, caatinga and savanna regions) of central Brazil: Maranhao and Ceara to Parana and in similar regions in Bolivia. Maybe the larvae feed upon grasses and weeds and are literally "overlooked".

P indicates an image is available. The first country listed is the specimen type locality.

New for 2019:

P vanschaycki Brechlin, 2019 Brazil: Maranhao
P sinjaevi Brechlin, 2019 Bolivia: LaPaz; Santa Cruz

Listing of Kentroleuca, grouped by appearance

P lineosa (Walker, 1855) Brazil, Bolivia

P dukinfieldi (Schaus, 1894) Brazil
P brunneategulata Mielke and Furtado, 2006 Brazil

P albilinea (Schaus, 1908) Brazil, Bolivia
P vanschaycki Brechlin, 2019 Brazil: Maranhao
P sinjaevi Brechlin, 2019 Bolivia: LaPaz; Santa Cruz
P novaholandensis Lemaire & Mielke, 2001 Brazil

P boliviensis Brechlin and Meister (2002?) Bolivia
P griseoalbata Mielke and Furtado, 2006 Brazil
P spitzi Lemaire, 1971 Brazil, Bolivia

Kentroleuca lineosa, Very Accentuated Wing Veins

Kentroleuca lineosa male

Kentroleuca lineosa female

m: 52-59mm; f: 58-65mm; 720m
gc: dark grey; fw om and pml oblique
thin orange veins outlined in very thick whitish-yellow;
hw pm line strongly convex, subparallel; close to outer margin

white striga parallel to inner margin, not reaching outer margin
Brazil: Federal District; Goias; Minas Geras: Sao Roque de Minas; (?? Mato Grosso ?); Bolivia: ??

Kentroleuca dukinfieldi and Kentroleuca brunneategulata, Very Convex OM and PML;
Very Reduced White Cell Striga

Kentroleuca dukinfieldi male

>Kentroleuca dukinfieldi male

Kentroleuca dukinfieldi female

m: 50-66mm; f:68-78mm; 300-400m;
sympatric with lineosa, albilinea and spitzi in Goias
FW gc: dark black; fw am line obscure or all black, w/o strong white striga in fw cell; pml and outer margins convex; veins less accentuated in basal median area; HW pml less distant from om than in brunneategulata;
Brazil: Go; Ma Gr; MGdS; Parana

Kentroleuca brunneategulata male

Kentroleuca brunneategulata male

Kentroleuca brunneategulata female

male: 50-57mm; f: 70-74mm
elevation: ??
Fw gc: grey
fw veins whitish in basal-median area, more orangey in pm area, more prominaent than in dukinfieldi;
without strong white striga in fw cell;
lines and outer margins convex;
hw pml more remote from outer margin than in dukinfieldi

Brazil: Fed. Dist.; Parana

Kentroleuca spitzi, Kentroleuca griseoalbata and Kentroleuca boliviensis,
Very Convex OM, but Relatively Straight PML; Thick White Cell Striga

Kentroleuca spitzi male

Kentroleuca spitzi male

Kentroleuca spitzi female

m: 44-54mm; f: 56-78mm
elevation: 2400m in Bolivia; lower in Brazil
Gc: all wings: uniform grey
Fw pm line: white, thick, oblique, bordered in thin black on both sides
Brazil: Distrito Federal: Goias; probably Tocantins & Mato Grosso & Mato Grosso do Sul
Bolivia: Santa Cruz: Caballero (2400m)

Kentroleuca griseoalbata male

Kentroleuca griseoalbata male

Kentroleuca griseoalbata female

m: 58-64(RSL)mm; f: 68mm
elevation: 740m
Gc: uniform grey except for off-white hindwing basal median area in male
Fw pml: thick, white, slightly convex with slight outward turn near inner margin
Brazil: Sao Paulo: Itarare; northern Parana

Kentroleuca boliviensis male

Kentroleuca boliviensis male

Kentroleuca boliviensis male

male: 64-66mm
GC: uniform dark grey to black on all wings
relatively thin, white, slightly oblique fw pm line
hw pm line: white, quite thin, subparallel to outer margin
HW: Strong white line from body to cell

Bolivia: Chuquisaca: Padilla

Kentroleuca sinjaevi, Kentroleuca nohavalandensis, Kentroleuca albilineata, and Kentroleuca vanschaycki,
Much Less Convex OM, but Relatively Straight PML; Thick White Cell Striga,
Extensive White Scaling in Male Hindwing Basal-median Area

Kentroleuca albilinea male

Kentroleuca albilinea male

Kentroleuca albilinea female

male wingspan: 60-72mm
elevation: 720-990m
gc grey; veins orange, not boldly outlined as in lineosa; fw outer margin slightly oblique, less than lineosa
male hw basal-median area mostly off-white
strong extension of second lowest white vein into pm area on all wings
Brazil: FD; Go; Mi Ge; SP
Bolivia: Santa Cruz; possibly sinjaevi in Santa Cruz

Kentroleuca sinjaevi male

Kentroleuca sinjaevi male

Kentroleuca sinjaevi female

m: 78mm; f: 83mm // mfwl: 33-38mm; ffwl: 45mm)
Very extensive white scaling in hindwing basal median area Bolivia: LaPaz: Santa Rosa de Lima (1460m); Santa Cruz: Cordillera. It is probably also found in Cochabamba, Bolivia.

Kentroleuca novaholandensis

Kentroleuca novaholandensis male, Maranhao

Kentroleuca novaholandensis female

m: 64mm; f: 77-91mm
elevation: 550m
rusty-brown ground colour
forewings slightly elongate;
slightly convex forewing outer margin
thin, unbordered, orange veins
white pm line straight, bordered in black

Brazil: Maranhao; Ceara??

Kentroleuca vanschaycki male

Kentroleuca vanschaycki fwmale

m: 64-67mm; f: larger
elevation: 450m
rusty-brown ground colour
forewings slightly elongate;
slightly convex forewing outer margin
thin, unbordered, orange veins
white pm line slightly convex, wider than in novaholandensis, bordered in black
Brazil: Maranhao; probably also Ceara??

Ryan Saint Laurent sent me the image below from the Cornell University Collection in June 2013. The specimen clearly has a convex outer margin and a strong white striga parallel to the forewing inner margin, placing it in the group with spitzi, griseoalbata and boliviensis.

I think it is most likely K. griseoalbata due to the off-white region in the hindwing basal median area, but it could also be something undescribed.

Kentroleuca griseoalbata male, 64mm, North Parana, Brazil,
Cornell University Collection, courtesy of Ryan Saint Laurent

The following specimen has the reddish colouration of novaholandensis, but the thick, slightly more oblique pm line is more suggestive of abilinea.

Kentroleuca novaholandensis/vanschaycki (I favour vanschaycki) female, Crato (southeastern Ceara), Ceara, Brazil,
January 28, 2007, courtesy of Rich Hoyer.

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