Updated as per
Lemaire's Hemileucinae 2002, November 23, 2005 |
I believe mating takes place during the day (most activity from 9:00am-2:00pm), but females are active at night, almost exclusively during months from February-April.
Larvae are extremely well-camouflaged on plant stems.
Polythysana rubrescens larva courtesy of Kirby Wolfe.
P indicates an image is available. The first country listed is the specimen type locality.
P apollina R. Felder & Rogenhofer, 1874 Chile
albescens Bartlett-Calvert, 1886, Chile, is same as apollina
P cinerascens (Philippi, 1859) Chile
Attacus andromeda (Philippi, 1859), Chile, is same as cinerascens
edmondsii Butler, 1882, Chile, is same as cinerascens
f. latchami Ureta, 1943, Chile, is a synonym for cinerascens
P rubrescens (Blanchard, 1852) central Chile, west-central Argentina
Saturnia rhodoessa (Prittwitzi, 1868), Peru (not true source), is same as rubrescens
f. maasseni Schussler, 1934, Chile, is same as rubrescens
f. watsoni Schussler, 1934, Chile, is same as rubrescens
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