Eubergia conceptiona
Eubergia conceptiona
Brechlin & Meister, 2015

Eubergia conceptiona HT male, 44mmm Paraguay: Conception: Estancia Garay Cue,
September 23. 2015, 210m, on my home computer only.

Eubergia conceptiona
male, Laguna Blanca, San Pedro, Paraguay,
October 22, 2008, courtesy of Paul Smith.
Superfamily: Bombycoidea, Latreille, 1802
Family: Saturniidae, Boisduval, [1837] 1834
Subfamily: Hemileucinae, Grote & Robinson, 1866
Tribe: Hemileucinae, Grote & Robinson, 1866
Genus: Eubergia, Bouvier, 1929
DISTRIBUTION: Eubergia conceptiona (wingspan: males: 44mm; females: mm // forewing length: males: 21-23mm; females: ) flies in
Paraguay: Conception: Estancia Garay Cue, at elevations near 210m; proabaly also in San Pedro, Paraguay.
This moth is approximately the same size as Eubergia altoparanensis (forewing length: males: 20-22mm), but the white lines on the forewing of conceptiona are
consistently thinner in conceptiona as compared to those of altoparanensis. There is a generous suffusion of grey brown scales in the hindwing basal median
area of conceptiona while the same area in altoparanensis is almost pure white. E. altoparanensis is known from Alto Parana, Paraguay, while both conceptiona
and drechseli have been taken in Conception (Concepcion), Paraguay.
This moth is also very similar to E. drechseli which flies in the same immediate area as conceptiona, but the pm line of drechseli is considerable wider,
more inwardly concave and further removed from the outer margin as compared to conceptiona.
Several images, originally posted as E. caisa, that Paul Smith sent to me from San Pedro, Paraguay, seem to be more consistent with E. concecptiona.
I note that the white forewing pm line is slightly s-shaped with a definite in turn as it meets the inner margin and a slight out turn (bend/curve) as it approaches the apex.

Eubergia conceptiona (most likely)
or Eubergia drechseli
Laguna Blanca, San Pedro, Paraguay, October 22, 2008,
courtesy of Paul Smith, id by Bill Oehlke.

Eubergia conceptiona (most likely)
or Eubergia drechseli
Laguna Blanca, San Pedro, Paraguay, October 22, 2008,
courtesy of Paul Smith, id by Bill Oehlke.

Eubergia caisa
(more likely E. conceptiona)
Laguna Blanca, San Pedro, Paraguay, October 22, 2008,
courtesy of Paul Smith.
Larval hosts are unknown. Only a few known specimens exist in collections
with sightings in September-October. The forewings are like other Eubergia species. The hindwing basal median area is almost pure white with a
distinct black cell spot. There is, however, a light suffusion of grey scales from the marginal area into the median area, with the heaviest suffusion above the cell.
ECLOSION, SCENTING AND MATING:Females extend a scent gland from the tip of the abdomen. Males use highly developed antennae to
track the airbourne pheromone to locate the females.
Eggs are probably deposited in large clusters and larvae are probably highly gregarious.
Urticating spines would offer the Eubergia conceptiona larvae much protection.
It is hoped that this alphabetical listing followed by the common name of the foodplant will prove useful. The list is not exhaustive.
Experimenting with closely related foodplants is worthwhile.
The species name is derived from a specimen type location in Conception (Concepcion), Paraguay.
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