Updated as per Entomo-Satsphingia Jahrgang 5 Heft 1 11.04.2013; September 30, 2013 |
TAXONOMY:Superfamily: Bombycoidea, Latreille, 1802 |
ChiquititaON.OFF |
The forewing apex is scarcely produced, giving the forewing, with its convex outer margin and curved costa a somewhat rounded appearance. The slightly pre-apical pm line is slightly concave, meeting the inner margin about 1/4 of its distance from the anal angle. Ground colour is rather uniform reddish brown, darker (almost black) in the basal area, with little contrast in the subterminal area.
The small circular forewing ocellus, outlined in black, has a dull yellow-grey appearance without internal marks.
The upper third of the hindwing, from the body along the costa to the apex, is lighter and brighter than the remaining area.
This moth belongs to the Gamelia abasia Group.
The species name, abahiana, is selected to indicate a presence in Bahia, Brazil.
Psidium guajava ....... |
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