Updated as per Heppner's Checklist: Part 4B 1996, January 1, 2005 Updated as per Lemaire's Attacidae 1978, December 27, 2005 Updated as per personal communication with Dave Rolfe (Tachira), May 20, 2007 |
Rothschildia paucidentata male, courtesy of Steve Kohll.
Rothschildia paucidentata male, Venezuela, courtesy of Frank Meister.
TAXONOMY:Superfamily: Bombycoidea, Latreille, 1802 |
"Girl from Ipanema"
midi by Mel WebbON.OFF |
Rothschildia paucidentata belongs to a group of four species: lebeau, cincta, prionia, paucidentata. All four species lack white scales on the outer margin of the hindwings.
In paucidentata the postmedian line is very straight and almost non-dentate and outwardly oriented from the inner margin to the costa. The forewing hyaline spots tend to be small and usually do not reach, or only barely touch the postmedial line. Hyaline spots on all wings are more or less triangular with a central indentation on the inward side.
FLIGHT TIMES AND PREFERRED FOOD PLANTS:Specimens have been taken in May (CL) and August (DR). There are probably many flights.This species will probably accept Ligustrum (privet), lilac, ailanthus and oak. Rothschildia paucidentata male, Tachira, Venezuela, courtesy of Dave Rolfe. R. paucidentata and R. lebeau subspecies can de difficult to distinguish. The specimen, right, has features of both. I think it is more likely a subspecies of R. lebeau. | ![]() |
ECLOSION, SCENTING AND MATING:Like most of the Rothschildia, except for the diurnal zacateca, this species calls and pairs at night.Rothschildia paucidentata female, Tachira, Venezuela, courtesy of Dave Rolfe. I think it is more likely a subspecies of R. lebeau. Wing shape, especially the hindwings, hyaline areas and patterning do not match Lemaire's descriiption of R. paucidentata. | ![]() |
There are both inner and outer cocoons, each with a relatively long valve to facilitate eclosions. Other species fasten their cocoons longitudinally to host plant stems as per the Hyalophora.
Ailanthus altissima..... |
Ailanthus |
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The pronunciation of scientific names is troublesome for many. The "suggestion" at the top of the page is merely a suggestion.
There are many collectors from different countries whose intonations and accents would be different.
The species name, paucidentata, is descriptive, indicating the paucity (scarcity) of dentation on the pm lines.