Sometimes the Oxyteninae are treated as Oxytenidae, a family distinct from Saturniidae; sometimes they are treated as Oxyteninae, a subfamily of

Asthenidia geometraria, Guyana, June 27, 1927,
Cornell University Collection, courtesy of Ryan Saint Laurent.

Arsenura armida courtesy of Leroy Simon
Those species and subspecies followed by a
"*" are listed by Lemaire
in his Arsenurinae, 1980.
Those species followed by ARA are from the work of
Angela R. Amarillo, 1997.
An "en" indicates the species
is thought to be endemic to Colombia.
N, E, S, W have been used to
indicate relative geography. No lettering indicates
the species is probably widespread.
If you have corrections or additions, or especially images of larvae
and/or adults not currently depicted, please forward them to
Those species and subspecies followed by a "*" are listed by Lemaire in his Attacinae, 1978.
Those species followed by ARA are from the work of
Angela R. Amarillo, 1997.
An "en" indicates the species
is thought to be endemic to Colombia.
Those species and subspecies followed by a "*" are listed by Lemaire in his Attacinae, 1978.
Those species followed by ARA are from the work of Angela R. Amarillo, 1997.
An "en" indicates the species is thought to be endemic to Colombia.
Those species and subspecies followed by a
"*" are listed by Lemaire
in his Ceratocampinae, 1987, confirming
many internet listings. TD represents additions by Thibaud Decaens.
LRRV denotes info from SHILAP: Notes on some Saturniidae from
Albania (Caqueta Department), Racheli and Vinciguerra, 2005.
Those species followed by ARA are from the work of
Angela R. Amarillo, 1997.
Those species and subspecies followed by a
"*" are listed by Lemaire
in his Hemileucinae, 2002, confirming many interent listings.
LRRV denotes info from SHILAP: Notes on some Saturniidae from
Albania (Caqueta Department), Racheli and Vinciguerra, 2005.
Those species followed by ARA are from the work of
Angela R. Amarillo, 1997.
An "en" indicates the species
is thought to be endemic to Colombia.
I have added Pseudautomeris lata which I (WO?) feel probably flies in eastern Colombia.
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