Updated from Racheli's "The Saturniidae fauna of Napo Province,
Ecuador, an overview" SHILAP Revta lepid., 34 (134), 2006: 125-139, September 12, 2007 Updated as per "An update checklist for the Saturniidae of Ecuador. Part II: .... " in SHILAP Revta. lepid 34 (135), 2006: 197-211 L. & T. Racheli, September 2007 Further updated as per Global Mirror System of DNA Barcoding Analysis (locations and dates of BOLD submissions, new species), January 2012 indicated by Mi for Mirror System or B&M for Brechlin & Meister Updated as per Entomo Satsphingia Jahrgang 6 Heft 2 21.02.2013; April 17, 2013 Updated as per Entomo Satsphingia Jahrgang 6 heft 3 30.05.2013; February 5, 2014
Here are links to some Genus Comparison Charts to hopefully make identifications easier.
OXYTENINAESometimes the Oxyteninae are treated as Oxytenidae, a family distinct from Saturniidae; sometimes they are treated as Oxyteninae, a subfamily of Saturniidae.
Asthenidia terminalis male, May 26, 2006, Lita, Esmeraldas, Ecuador,
SATURNIINAE: ATTACINIThose species and subspecies followed by a "*" are listed by Lemaire in his Attacinae, 1978.An "en" indicates the species is thought to be endemic to Ecuador.
Those species and subspecies followed by a "*" are listed by Lemaire in his Attacinae, 1978, confirming many internet postings. TD inidicates an addition by Thibaud Decaens. HK indicates an addition by Horst Kach.An "en" indicates the species is thought to be endemic to Ecuador.
Those species and subspecies followed by a "*" are listed by Lemaire in his Ceratocampinae, 1987.
Those species and subspecies followed by a "*" are listed by Lemaire in his Hemileucinae, 2002, confirming species from many internet lists.I have also utilized, January 2007, L. & T. Racheli's An Update Checklist of the Saturniidae of Ecuador. Part I, in SHILAP, 2005, which includes some tentative species, some additions for Ecuador and some range extensions on the individual files beyond Lemaire's work. Horst Kach has also provided some range extensions and numerous images.
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