Saturniidae of Trinidad


Automeris liberia, Maracus Beach (St. George), Trinidad,
courtesy of Ian

Those species and subspecies followed by a "*" are listed by Lemaire in his Hemileucinae, 2002.

Internet postings also indicate Automeris metzli, Hylesia metabus, Rothschildia hesperus (NHM HOSTS).

Robin Chittenden, via Daniel Marlos of What's That Bug? provides the following image of a Dirphia tarquinia male from Brasso Saco, St. George, Trinidad.

Dirphia tarquinia male, Brasso Saco, St. George, Trinidad,
April 2013, courtesy of Robin Chittenden, via Daniel Marlos.

Lonomia achelous achelous *

Hylesia murex *

St. George
Aut-eris egeus CL
A-ris. jucunda WO?
Aut-eris zurobara CL
Automeris liberia
Dirphia tarquinia RC
Hylesia ascodex SN
Hylesia mortifex SN
Hylesia murex SN
Lon. achelous WO?
Pseud. salmonea RT

A-ris. jucunda WO?
Dir. tarquinia WO?
Lon. achelous CL
Pseud. salmonea RT

St. Patrick
A-ris. jucunda WO?
Dir. tarquinia WO?
Lon. achelous WO
Pseud. salmonea WO?

St. David
A-ris. jucunda WO?
Dir. tarquinia WO?
Pseud. salmonea WO?

A-ris. jucunda WO?
Dir. tarquinia WO?
Lon. achelous WO?
Pseud. salmonea WO?

St. Andrew
A-ris. jucunda WO?
Dir. tarquinia WO?
Lon. achelous WO?
Pseud. salmonea WO?

A-ris. jucunda WO?
Dir. tarquinia WO?
Lon. achelous WO?
Pseud. salmonea WO?

A-ris. jucunda WO?
Dir. tarquinia WO?
Lon. achelous WO?
Pseud. salmonea WO?

Pseudautomeris salmonea, Maraval, suburb of Port-of-Spain, Trinidad,
forest species, September, courtesy of Ralph Telford.

Warning! Lonomia achelous, another forest species, can give a dangerous, even deadly sting.


Dysdaemonia boreas male, copyright protected, Kirby Wolfe.

Those species and subspecies followed by a "*" are listed by Lemaire in his Arsenurinae, 1980.

An "en" indicates the species is thought to be endemic to Trinidad. N, E, S, W have been used to indicate relative geography. No lettering indicates the species is probably widespread.

If you have corrections or additions, or especially images of larvae and/or adults not currently depicted, please forward them to

Arsenura beebei *

Dysdaemonia boreas *

St. George
Arsenura beebei *

Arsenura beebei *
Roths. l. amacurensis HK

St. Patrick
Arsenura beebei WO
R. e. erycina WO
Roths. l. amacurensis WO

St. David
Arsenura beebei WO

Arsenura beebei WO
R. e. erycina WO
Roths. l. amacurensis WO

St. Andrew
Arsenura beebei WO

Arsenura beebei WO
Roths. l. amacurensis WO

Arsenura beebei WO
R. e. erycina WO
Roths. l. amacurensis WO


Rothschildia erycina male, courtesy of Kirby Wolfe.

Those species and subspecies followed by a "*" are listed by Lemaire in his Attacinae, 1978.

An "en" indicates the species is thought to be endemic to Trinidad.

Rothschildia vanschayckis is now confirmed in the Caroni Swamp by Harald Kranz.

Roths. e. erycina *

R. vanschaycki HK

Ro. l. amacurensis WO


Copaxa marona male, Trinidad, via Daniel Marlos,
id by Bill Oehlke.

Copaxa marona DM

Daniel Marlos also provides the following image of Copaxa marona.

Copaxa marona male (verso), Trinidad, via Daniel Marlos,
id by Bill Oehlke.


Citheronia lobesis lobesis (male) courtesy of Bernhard Jost

Those species and subspecies followed by a "*" are listed by Lemaire in his Ceratocampinae, 1987.

C. hamifera hamifera *
C. lobesis lobesis ?

Eacles i. cacicus *

Othorene hodeva *

Syssphinx molina *

St. George

Citheronia hamifera CL

St. Patrick
Citheronia hamifera WO
Citheronia lobesis WO
E. i. cacicus WO
Othorene hodeva WO
Syss. molina WO

St. David

Citheronia hamifera WO
E. i. cacicus WO
Othorene hodeva WO
Syss. molina WO

St. Andrew

Citheronia hamifera WO

Citheronia hamifera WO
E. i. cacicus WO
Othorene hodeva WO
Syss. molina WO

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