Dilophonotini thumbnails
Aleuron, Enyo, Pachygonidia, Unzela
Thumbnails: Costa Rica
This very tentative checklist will become more accurate as images and information are sent to me. If you would like
to assist in the development of this worldwide Sphingidae data/image base, please send info and images to Bill Oehlke.
I have arranged the images in accordance with my perception of wing characters: predominent markings, shape, colour, size.
Females often have a wing shape or pattern that differs from the males. I hope some day to also have a thumbnail checklist for the females.
This page is inspired by the photographic efforts of Gernot Kunz. Gernot has photographed live moths from many locations in Costa Rica. Places he
has visited over the last many years now appear on the Costa Rica map. You will find many of his photographs on the various species files.

Enyo cavifer
In both sexes forewing apex truncated, not sinuate (concave) as in Enyo gorgon. Ground colour chocolate-brown, almost black in some places.
Fw discal cell narrower than in either Enyo gorgon or in Enyo taedium taedium.

Enyo gorgon
Forewing apex produced, with concave outer edge, not straight cut as in Enyo cavifer.
Lower half of wing noticeably darker than upper half.

Enyo lugubris
Body, wings dark brown. Fw: large black patch covering most of outer half of wing. Pale
tan cell spot with small dark inner pupil, Fairly straight median line to inside of cell spot.

Enyo taedium
Fw: shape, venation as in gorgon; costa not as convex; crossveins m1-m2, m2-m3 both straight, not displaced;
lower angle of discal cell obtuse, more proximal than upper angle, crossvein m2-m3 about half length of m3-cu1a; M2 curved at base.
G. c. essentially unicolorous, lacking: 1) division into paler anterior half, 2) darker posterior half,
3) triangular dark brown postmedian patch.

Enyo ocypete
Fw: dark area not sharply defined, prolonged along antemedian line to posterior margin. Discal spot small.
Male hw: diagnostic pale yellowish-white anal patch.
Females similar to Enyo lugubris lugubris, but have broad brown belt across
base of abdomen (this belt either very narrow or absent in Enyo lugubris lugubris).

Pachygonidia drucei
Fw similar to P. hopfferi, but apex pointed, not sinuate between Rs3 - Rs4, i.e. not dentate at end of Rs4.
O.m. only slightly hollowed out between apex and M3, not angled at M2.
Discal spot relatively large, clayish patch below apex much more distinct as is diffuse, whitish scaling near anal angle, compared to hoppferi.
Hw: three median transverse rose-pinkish bands as in hopfferi.

Pachygonidia subhamata
Fw apex sinuate between Rs3 - Rs4, not pointed as in caliginosa. O. m. concave between Rs4 - M2, convex at M2, not angulate.
Distinct grey-brown submarginal patch on M1-M2.
Hw: two median transverse pinkish-buff bands, similar to caliginosa and mielkei. Pink tint usually diminished, replaced by brownish shade.

Pachygonidia ribbei
Fw: outer margin denticulate, anal angle less produced than in other Pachygonidia.
Pale orangey-brown submarginal patch on M1-M2 distinct, larger than in other Pachygonidia.
Fw median and lower postmedian areas have pale violet scales.
Hw: two short bars at anal angle.

Pachygonidia hopfferi
Fw: outer edge of postmedian transverse band straight; wavy in martini.
Fw apex truncated or sinuate between Rs3 - Rs4. O.m. concave between Rs4 - M2, quite angulate at M2.
Grey-brown submarginal patch on M1-M2 indistinct.
Hw: three median transverse rose-pinkish bands, as in drucei.
Japix and pronoe
somewhat similar, but fw cell marking
in stong contrast with surrounding area in pronoe;
masked in japix. Outer, white aml in japix pronounced,
very straight; in pronoe weaker, very irregular. Distinct, lighter, basal
suboval patch in japix.
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