Eumorpha phorbas, Costa Rica,
May 2, 2006, courtesy of Gernot Kunz.
Eumorpha fasciatus, Costa Rica, April 3, 2007, |
Eumorpha fasciatus yes, | ![]() Eumorpha vitis yes, Vine Sphinx | Vine Sphinx Forewing is generally quite similar to fasciatus, but note much longer internal extension of the lowest thin beige post median line into the median area. In fasciatus, this lower thin line in the median area is only a very short dash before meeting the broad transverse lines. Vitis lacks the broad pink band, found in fasciatus, along the hindwing outer margin. |
![]() Eumorpha labruscae yes, the Gaudy Sphinx: Fw ground colour bright green to grey-green with a darker triangular median area, delineated by very dark am line and dark median line. There is a brownish blotch near midpoint of outer line of darker triangular area, followed by a beige blotch along the inner margin. 3 |
![]() Eumorpha phorbas yes: Fw ground colour grey-green with series of lighter grey-green bars, dashes, lines: aml runs straight from costa to i. m.; apical pml runs straight toward intersection of aml and i.m., but is broken at about 40% of its course by an L-shaped line that turns at about 135 degrees toward aml/im juncture. 4 |
![]() Eumorpha capronnieri yes, Fw ground colour grey to brown with distinct pattern of mottled green and darker brown areas. Forewing apex is slightly more produced and pointed in capronnieri, compared to phorbas. Note the outward extensions of dark green-brown stripes on abdominal tergites 5 and 6. |
![]() Eumorpha satellitia yes: Fw: largely brown, dusted with paler scales, pinkish tone all over. CuA1 conspicuously paler than ground colour. Hw basally buff, i. m. same colour, not pink; dark brown or black submarginal black spots near tornus between CuA1 and 1A. Inner edge of marginal band diffuse. | ![]()
Eumorpha satellitia licaon | ![]() Eumorpha anchemolus yes: Fw o. m. slightly crenulated. Similar to Eumorpha triangulum, but fw upperside pattern less contrasting and variegated. Dark subapical costal patch truncated on Rs4. White fringe along i. m. from body to slightly beyond median rhombiform patch very conspicuous. 6 |
Eumorpha obliquus/boivini, unconfirmed in Panama, Puerto Viejo de Sarapiqui, Heredia, Costa Rica,
February 5, 2016, 54m, courtesy of Gernot Kunz.
Eumorpha triangulum, N P Piedras Blancas, Puntarenas, Costa Rica,
July 7, 2008, 65m, courtesy of Gernot Kunz, tentative id by Bill Oehlke.
Eum. boivini unconfirmed in Panama |
Eumorpha obliquus yes |
Eumorpha triangulum yes: |
![]() | Eumorpha megaeacus unconfirmed, but should be present in Panama: Forewing has conspicuous, but ill-defined, pinkish-beige longitudinal band running mostly between CuA1 and CuA2 from wing base, subparallel to inner margin, to near outer margin. Below this band, to inner margin, appears a patchwork of patterns. quite distinct as described |
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