Enyo ocypete male, Coviriali. Junin, Peru,
April 14, 2008, 662m, courtesy of Vladimir Izersky.
This is a very tentative checklist based primarily on a checklist I had compiled for Ecuador so I fully expect
there are omissions and some erroneous inclusions. If you have corrections to offer, please contact
Many thanks to Vladimir Izersky (vi) who has begun (2008) to send many electronic images with data for Peru.
Bill Oehlke .
I have also added some species, based on listing on the CATE (C) website.
Hubert Mayer (hm), Bob Curry (bc) and Peter Bruce-Jones (pbj) have also sent many images from Peru as has Vadim Kroutov (VK).
Bernhard Wenczel indicates Jose Boettger sent him a Protaleuron rhodogaster from Oxacampa, Pasco, Peru, eastern slopes, at elevation of 2512m.
Patrick Demez (pd) sends this beautiful image of Hyles annei.
Sphinx merops judsoni has been equated with nominate merops, and I have followed Tuttle's movement of South American and Central American Sphinx species back to Lintneria genus. Hence Lintneria arthuri and Lintneria merops.
Many thanks to Frank Steiger who confirms both Nyceryx maxwelli and Protoleuron herbini.
I have added, February 26, 2015, Xylophanes epaphus to this list, based on personal communication with Vadim Kroutov.
In 2018-2019 Cesar Ivan Caballero de la Cruz has sent me many images from Motupe, Lambayeque, Peru. Among them are Adhemarius daphne daphne, Agrius cingulata, Eumorpha vitis, Hyles annei, Hyles lineata, Manduca sexta(?).
hyposticta, Coviriali, Junin, Peru,
November 21, 2008, 662m, courtesy of Vladimir Izersky.
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This page is brought to you by Bill Oehlke and the WLSS. Pages are on space rented from Bizland. If you would like to become a "Patron of the Sphingidae Site", contact Bill.
Please send sightings/images to Bill. I will do my best to respond to requests for identification help.
Visit Peru Thumbnail Checklists:
Sphingini: Manduca
Sphingini: Agrius, Amphimoea, Cocytius, Euryglottis, Lintneria, Sphinx
Smerinthini: Adhemarius, Orecta and Protambulyx
Dilophonotini: Aleuron, Enyo, Pachygonidia, Protaleuron and Unzela
Dilophonotini: Aellopos, Eupyrrhoglossum, Nyceryx and Perigonia
Dilophonotini: Callionima, Erinnyis, Hemeroplanes, Isognathus, Madoryx, Oryba, Pachylia, Pachylioides, Phryxus
and Pseudosphinx
Philampelini: Eumorpha
Macroglossini: Hyles and Xylophanes
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