Updated as per
AN ANNOTATED CHECKLIST OF THE SPHINGIDAE OF BOLIVIA, October 2007 Updated as per More, Kitching and Cocucci's Hawkmoths of Argentina 2005, October, 2007 Updated as per personal communication with Jose Monzon (Guatemala); May 2009 Updated as per Sphingidae (Lepidoptera) de Venezuela, Compilado por: María Esperanza Chacín; December 2009 Updated as per personal communication with Humberto Calero Mejia (PNNG, Isla Gorgona, Cauca, Colombia, June 1, 2011); October 12, 2011 Updated as per personal communication with Hubert Mayer (Quebrado Pelejo, Huallago, San Martin, Peru, July, 2006); June 3, 2014 Updated as per personal communication with Ezequiel Bustos (Shilap revta. lepid. 43 (172) diciembre, 2015, 615-631 eISSN 2340-4078 ISSN 0300-5267), January 4, 2016 Updated as per personal communication with Anna and Frank West (Morales, Izabal, Guatemala), January 16, 2021 |
This site has been created by Bill Oehlke.
Comments, suggestions and/or additional information are welcomed by Bill.
Family: Sphingidae, Latreille, 1802 |
I would not be surprised if it also flies in southeastern Paraguay: (Itapua (WO??)).
Guyana is the specimen type locality. Robert Lehman confirms it in Honduras: Atlantida.
Amphonyx staudingeri Druce, 1888, Panama, is the same as walkeri.
Cocytius magnificus Rothschild, 1904, Guyana, is the same as walkeri.
Amphimoea walkeri male, Quebrado Pelejo, Huallaga, San Martin, Peru,
152mm, July 2006, courtesy of Hubert Mayer copyright.
In Bolivia they have been recorded in March and June and possibly fly in other months as well. Humberto Calero Mejia reports an early June flight on Isla Gorgona, Cauca, Colombia.
Amphimoea walkeri 160mm, Guatemala: Izabal: near Morales,
July 8, 2005, 2100ft., courtesy of Anna and Frank West.
Adults have the longest insect proboscis (over ten inches long) in the world and nectar from deep-throated flowers while hovering in the air. | ![]() |
Amphimoea walkeri female courtesy of Dan Janzen.
Note shadow of coiled proboscis.
Amphimoea walkeri
courtesy of Steve Graser,
Yasuni, Ecuador, September 10, 2002 - 11:58 PM.
Larvae feed on Anaxagorea crassipetala, a lowland rain forest tree of Costa Rica and surrounding areas, and probably other members of the Annonaceae family.Photo by G. Gentry. | ![]() |
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This site has been created by Bill Oehlke. Comments, suggestions and/or additional information are welcomed by Bill.
Enjoy one of nature's wonderments: Live Saturniidae (Giant Silkmoth) cocoons.
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