Deidamia inscriptum

Deidamia inscriptum
(Harris, 1839) Pterogon? inscriptum
Lettered Sphinx

Deidamia inscriptum courtesy of Chris Lee, Guelph, Ontario, May 9, 2006.

This site has been created by Bill Oehlke at
Comments, suggestions and/or additional information are welcomed by Bill.

Chris writes, May 9, 2006, "Had the good fortune of two Deidama inscriptum coming at the same time to the black light last night. We originally thought these were a mating/mated pair, but scrutiny of the abdomen shows they're both males. No wonder they had no interest in each other. Interestingly, both stayed on the side of our house until dusk tonight."

Deidamia inscriptum courtesy of Chris Lee, Guelph, Ontario, May 9, 2006.

This composite shot shows the typical resting pose of the male with the abdomen strongly arced.

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