Updated as per Hawkmoths of the World, Kitching and Cadiou, 2000, January 9, 2011 Updated as per personal communication with Tomas Melichar, January 9, 2011 |
This site has been created by
Bill Oehlke at oehlkew@islandtelecom.com
Comments, suggestions and/or additional information are welcomed by Bill.
Family: Sphingidae, Latreille, 1802 |
MIDI MUSICcopyright C. Odenkirk ON.OFF |
It was at one time equated with Erinnyis obscura.
During the night adults nectar at flowers, probably including bouncing bet (Saponaria officinalis) and Asystasia gangetica beginning at dusk.
ECLOSION:Adults eclose from pupae formed in loose cocoons spun among surface litter. Pupal stage can be as few as fourteen days.![]()
Erinnyis pallida female, Cuba, courtesy of Tomas Melichar.SCENTING AND MATING:Females call in the males with a pheromone released from a gland at the tip of the abdomen. Adults begin feeding at sunset.
EGGS, LARVAE, PUPAE:Larvae probably feed on various plants in the dogbane family (Apocynaceae): Rauvolfia ligustrina, Rauvolfia tetraphylla, Stemmadenia obovata, Philibertia, Cynanchum, and on papaya (Carica papaya, Caricaceae), and Asclepiadaceae. Some plants in the spurge family are probably also used.Use your browser "Back" button to return to the previous page.
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