Updated as per the L.O.L.A. publication Hawkmoths of Argentina, More, Kitching and Cocucci, 2005, October 2007. Updated as per CATE, October 18, 2011 Updated as per personal communication with Ezequiel Osvaldo Núñez Bustos (Campo Ramon, Misiones, Argentina, September 26, 2010); May 14, 2012 Updated as per personal communication with Sergio D. Ríos Díaz in CATÁLOGO DE LOS SPHINGIDAE (INSECTA: LEPIDOPTERA) DEPOSITADOS EN EL MUSEO NACIONAL DE HISTORIA NATURAL DEL PARAGUAY; sent to me in July 2014 by Sergio D. Ríos Díaz. |
Manduca lichenea, Campo Ramon, Misiones, Argentina,
September 26, 2010, courtesy of Ezequiel Osvaldo Núñez Bustos
This site has been created by Bill Oehlke.
Comments, suggestions and/or additional information are welcomed by Bill.
Family: Sphingidae, Latreille, 1802 |
"For almost one century, M. lichenea comprised two species, M. schausi (Clark, 1919) from middle to high elevation from Mexico to Bolivia, and M. lichenea itself. The latter is a less robust with rounder appearance and greener when fresh. The forewing green ground color turn to light brown quickly when exposed to wet condition." Jean Haxaire and Carlos Mielke
However, it is not reported for Argentina in the L.O.L.A. publication Hawkmoths of Argentina, More, Kitching and Cocucci, 2005; nor is it reported in Uruguay by Msc Maria Gabriela Bentancur Viglione, Faculty of Sciences, Montevideo, Uruguay, who indicates a recently published checklist (2010) will shortly be forthcoming, based on SHILAP publication: Lista de Sphingidae del Uruguay. I am not sure if DNA barcoding will sort this out.
Ezequiel Bustos reports that DNA barcoding confirms its presence in Argentina.
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Ezequiel Bustos image:
Colección de Lepidoptera Proyecto DNA Barcodes Lepidoptera Argentina
Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales ¨Bernandino Rivadavia¨ (MACN)
Av. Angel Gallardo 470 (1405)
Ciudad de Buenos Aires
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Enjoy one of nature's wonderments: Live Saturniidae (Giant Silkmoth) cocoons.
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