Inspired and dedicated as per personal communication with Rocco Prock, November 15, 2010 Updated as per James P. Tuttle's The Hawk Moths of North America, November 15, 2010 Updated as per Butterflies and Moths of North America, formerly USGS, November 15, 2010 Updated as per personal communication with Alex C. Henderson, Sphinx chersis, September 17, 2013 Updated as per personal communication with Carol Wilkinson, Sphinx chersis larva, November 24, 2015 |
This site has been created by Bill Oehlke at oehlkew@islandtelecom.com
Comments, suggestions and/or additional information/sightings are welcomed by Bill.
This page is inspired by and dedicated to Rocco Prock. Rocco sent me the beautiful images of the Sphinx chersis larva at the top and bottom of
this page.
Rocco writes, November 15, 2010, "We found this in the alley and brought him/her into our back yard.
"The days are comfortable here, between 70 and 80 during the day. The nights are between 43 and 59. It was 59 this morning at 5:30 when I left for work.
"We put the sphinx in a mid-sized fish tank with 4 inches of soil in it after reading your information. We do not know if the soil is the correct type.
Our earth does not have any clay in it and is not much like loam.
"We did not want to release him in the back yard because of the large birds and lizards that might eat him.
"The fish tank is in a room at around 75 degrees. We want him to be safe and mature into the moth. Do you have any suggestions? Food, Air, Temperature, soil, ect."
"The Sphinx larva is Sphinx chersis, the Great Ash Sphinx.
"Pretty much any local soil type is okay so long as it is soft enough for excavation by the larvae. It is also possible to get the larva top pupate
without the soil, as per the article, linked below about care of found larva. I recommend you give it about a week to pupate and then very carefully
excavate it and treat as per the article. Best of luck.
Thanks for sharing photos.
Just qa few days ago this caterpillar would have been much more green. Many of the Sphingidae larvae take on a reddish hue, just prior to pupation,
especially if they are going to overwinter."
Eighteen Sphingidae species are listed for Nevada on the U.S.G.S. website (now BAMONA). Some of them would be adult strays into Nevada. Not all of the species are reported or anticipated in Clark County (thirteen are reported on U.S.G.S., with Sphinx perelegans, Sphinx sequoiae and Erinnyis ello probably only present as adult strays). It is hoped that this checklist, with the thumbnails and notes, will help you quickly identify the caterpillars you are likely to encounter.
A "WO" after the species name indicates that I (William Oehlke) expect that this larva is present or might be present, although unreported. A "USGS" indicates the species is confirmed on USGS site, which is now BAMONA. Please also send your sightings to BAMONA, an excellent online resource.
Please help me develop this list with improved, documented accuracy by sending sightings (species, date, location), preferably with an electronic image, via email to Bill Oehlke.
Many thanks to Alex C. who provides the following image of a Sphinx chersis larva from Henderson, September 17, 2013.
Sphinx chersis prepupal larva, Henderson, Clark County, Nevada,
September 17, 2013, courtesy of Alex C.
Sphinx chersis fifth instar, Crowe Park, Boulder City, Clark County, Nevada
courtesy of Carol Wilkinson.
Visit Nevada Sphingidae Adult Moths.
Visit Nevada Catocala Underwing Moths.
Sphinginae subfamily
Smerinthini Tribe:
Macroglossinae subfamilyDilophonotini tribe:
Philampelini tribe:
Macroglossini tribe:
Enjoy some of nature's wonderments, giant silk moth cocoons. These cocoons are for sale winter and fall. Beautiful Saturniidae moths will emerge the following spring and summer. Read Actias luna rearing article. Additional online help available.
Eggs of many North American species are offered during the spring and summer. Occasionally summer Actias luna and summer Antheraea polyphemus cocoons are available. Shipping to US destinations is done from with in the US.
Use your browser "Back" button to return to the previous page.
This page is brought to you by Bill Oehlke and the WLSS. Pages are on space rented from Bizland. If you would like to become a "Patron of the Sphingidae Site", contact Bill.
Please send sightings/images to Bill. I will do my best to respond to requests for identification help.
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