Updated as per James P. Tuttle's The Hawk Moths of North America, September 11, 2008 Created/dedicated as per personal communication with Ian Miller, September 11, 2008 Updated as per personal communication with Donald Severson (Hyles euphorbiae, July 8, 2012), via Dan Jackson; July 10, 2012 Updated as per personal communication with Donald Severson (lineata, eremitus, thysbe, diffinis, Deidamia inscriptum), ongoing Updated as per personal communication with Ian Miller, February 16, 2013 Updated as per personal communication with Cale Severson (Pacysphinx modesta), June 4, 2017 Updated as per BAMONA website, June 4, 2017 Updated as per personal communication with Marcie O'Connor (Amorpha juglandis, Buffalo County); February 12, 2019 Updated as per personal communication with Donald Severson (Aellopos titan, Trempealeau County); August 13, 2019 Updated as per personal communication with Ava Fortner (Smerinthus jamaicensis, Wood County), June 21, 2022; June 24, 2022 |
Hyles euphorbiae, Ettrick, Trempealeau County, Wisconsin,
July 9, 2012, necataring at bouncing bet, 9:00 pm, courtesy of Don Severson.
This page is inspired by and dedicated to Ian Miller who reports finding a female Paonias excaecata in Eleva, July 18, 2008.
Ian has also reported an extensive list of species he has collected in Trempealeau in 2007-2008.
Those species followed by IM have been recorded by Ian.
He continues to send me flight data for sightings.
Many thanks also to Don Severson who sends the beautiful images of Hyles euphorbiae above, and Hyles lineata below.
Hyles lineata, Ettrick, Trempealeau County, Wisconsin,
July 9, 2012, necataring at bouncing bet, 9:00 pm, courtesy of Don Severson.
A WO" after the species name indicates that I have no confirmed reports of this species in Trempealeau County, but I (William Oehlke) expect that this moth is present.
Please help me develop this list with improved, documented accuracy by sending sightings (species, date, location), preferably with an image, via email to Bill Oehlke.
Please also send your sightings to BAMONA, an excellent on-line resource.
Lintneria eremitus, Ettrick, Trempealeau County, Wisconsin,
July 15, 2012, courtesy of Don Severson.
Sphinx kalmiae Ettrick, Trempealeau County, Wisconsin,
August 19, 2017, courtesy of Cale Severson, via Don Severson
Amorpha juglandis male, Buffalo County, Wisconsin,
June 4, 2018, courtesy of Marcie O'Connor.
Deidamia inscriptum Ettrick, Trempealeau County, Wisconsin,
April 26, 2020, courtesy of Donald Severson,
Deidamia inscriptum Ettrick, Trempealeau County, Wisconsin,
April 26, 2020, courtesy of Donald Severson.
Ceratomia amyntor (common)
Ceratomia undulosa
Lapara bombycoides - only seen once
Lintneria eremitus (common) larva eating Monarda fistulosa
Sphinx drupiferarum - only seen once
Sphinx kalmiae (common)
Amorpha juglandis - a more normal looking male. Interesting about the difference in females - I guess the only ones I see at lights are males. (common)
Pachysphinx modesta (common)
Pachysphinx modesta (common)
Paonia excaecata underside common
Paonias myops (common)
Smerinthus cerisyi (common)
Smerinthus jamaicensis
Hemaris diffinis
Hemaris diffinis dark larva
Hemaris thysbe (common)
Eumorpha achemon - only seen once
Eumorpha achemon
Eumorpha pandorus
Eumorpha pandorus
Eumorpha pandoruslarva on grapeo pupate
Eumorpha pandorus larva headed to the ground
to pupate
Amphion floridensis
Darapsa choerilus (common)
Darapsa myron (common)
Deidamia inscriptum (common)
Hyles gallii only seen once
Hyles gallii
Hyles lineata (common)
Hyles lineata (common)
Sphecodina abbottii (common)
Sphecodina abbottii (common)
Many thanks to Ava Fortner who provides the following image from Wood County.
Smerinthus jamaicensis male, Wood County, Wisconsin,
June 21, 2022, courtesy of Ava Fortner
Visit: Trempealeau County Sphingidae larvae (caterpillars)
Sphinginae subfamily
Sphinx kalmiae Ettrick, August 19, 2017, Cale Severson
Smerinthini Tribe:
Macroglossinae subfamilyDilophonotini Tribe:
Aellopos titan, Ettrick, Trempealeau County, Donald Severson, August 13, 2021
See Hemaris comparison to help distinguish the next three species.
Philampelini Tribe:
Macroglossini Tribe:
This page is brought to you by Bill Oehlke and the WLSS. Pages are on space rented from Bizland. If you would like to become a "Patron of the Sphingidae Site", contact Bill.
Please send sightings/images to Bill. I will do my best to respond to requests for identification help.
Enjoy some of nature's wonderments: Saturniidae cocoons. Cocoons of these giant silkmoths are for sale in fall and winter. Large, beautiful moths emerge in the spring and summer.
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