Xylophanes furtadoi male: wingspan: 78 mm, June,
Rio Candeias, Rondônia, Brazil, courtesy of Eurides Furtado.
This site has been created by
Bill Oehlke at oehlkew@islandtelecom.com
Comments, suggestions and/or additional information are welcomed by Bill.
Family: Sphingidae, Latreille, 1802 |
MIDI MUSICcopyright C. Odenkirk ON.OFF |
While I (Bill Oehlke) was doing some research on various Xylophanes species, I noticed that the image above, sent to me as Xylophanes obscurus by Eurides Furtado, was not such a good match for the CATE description and images of X. obscurus. I alerted Eurides Furtado, Jean Haxaire and probably Ian Kitching. Jean subsequently named and published (The European Entomologist, Vol. 2, No. 1{2}) a description of the new species Xylophanes furtadoi. I do not know if they were aware of the discrepancy before I alerted them or not.
Xylophanes furtadoi verso, courtesy of Jean Haxaire.
Moths emerge approximately one-two months after larvae pupate.
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