Wyoming Counties
This distribution chart is a compilation of information from Paul
Opler's Moths of North America Website, the Lepidopterists'
Society Season Summary, Lemaire's Hemileucinae 2003 and
personal communication with many
residents of Wyoming. See comments below the map.
ranges may, in many cases, be more expansive than noted.
I suspect Antheraea polyphemus flies throughout
the state, despite there being no markings on the map as yet (Converse County now documented).

Hyalophora columbia gloveri male, Hawk Springs, Goshen County, Wyoming,
summer 2003, courtesy of Joy Oestringer.
on a scientific name will take you to a file with pictures and/or
Matt writes, "In Wyoming, I did a research paper on Saturniidae of
Fremont Co., during the years of 1981-1984, specifically on the east
slope of the Wind River Mountains. I collected and reared
Hyalophera c.gloveri, Hemileuca nuttali uniformis, and Hemileuca hera
. In addition I saw A. polyphemus and
H.c. gloveri while working on a ranch near Glenrock, Wyoming,
Converse Co.
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