Eacles imperialis magnifica female, Martinez, Buenos Aires, Argentina,
October 2007, courtesy/copyright Ezequiel Bustos,
id by Carlos Mielke.
![]() Buenos Aires Province, Argentina |
Oz Rittner (OR) who frequently travels to Argentina has sent some images resulting in the addition of Automeris naranja.
Please note: Those species followed by my intitials (WO?) are speculative. I have no confirmed reports of them in Buenos Aires Province. However, I feel they may be present based on reports in southern Paraguay, southeastern Brazil and/or neighbouring provinces in Argentina.
Many thanks to Ezequiel Bustos (EB) who has begun to send me electronic images of Saturniidae species he encounters on his Sphingidae excursions.
Carlos Mielke (CM) frequently helps with identifications.
Please help me inprove the accuracy of this page by sending electronic images with data to William Oehlke.
Active Checklist for Buenos Aires Province:
Arsenurinae |
Saturniini |
Ceratocampinae |
Hemileucinae |
Hemileucinae |
Buenos Aires province, the largest province in Argenitina, has an area of 307,571 km² and is bordered by sister provinces Rio Negro (south and southwest), La Pampa (west), Córdoba (northwest), Santa Fe (north) and Entre Rios (north). To the east and south is the Atlantic Ocean.
The landscape is mainly flat, with two low mountain ranges; Sierra de la Ventana (near Bahía Blanca) and Sierra de Tandil (Tandil). The highest point is Cerro Tres Picos (1.239 m amsl; 38° 8' S, 61° 58' W) and the longest river is Río Salado (700 km).
As part of The Pampas the weather of the province is strongly influenced by the ocean, with hot summers and temperate winters. Humidity is high and precipitations are abundant and distributed over the year. The Western and Southwestern regions are dryer.
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