Scan of dark Sphinx poecila larva by Bill Oehlke.
This site is created and maintained by Bill Oehlke at
By capturing nectaring, gravid, day-flying Sphingidae females in my blackberry patch or taking
mesmerized night-flying females at lights, I have been able to obtain eggs and rear many
Sphingidae native to Prince Edward Island, Canada.
You can click on the hypertext name in the index below to see images of adults, larvae, eggs
and/or pupae and also obtain general information about the Sphingidae native to Prince Edward
Nessus sphinx
Waved sphinx
Azalea sphinx
Hummingbird clearwing
Gallium sphinx
Northern Pine sphinx
Poplar sphinx
Blinded sphinx
Small-eyed sphinx
Cerisyi's sphinx
Twin-spotted sphinx
Wild cherry sphinx
Laurel sphinx
Poecila sphinx
| eastern 3/4 U.S. & Canada
eastern 2/3 U.S. & Canada
eastern half of U.S. & Canada
eastern half of U.S. & Canada
Can. coast to coast into Mexico
eastern 2/3 Canada, s. e. to n. w. Ga
eastern half of U.S. & Canada
east coast to eastern California
entire U.S and Southern Canada
U.S. west coast east along Can. border
entire North Amer. except deep south
throughout North America
eastern 1/3 U.S. & Canada
Can. U.S. border from Wis./Alb. east
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