Books for Sale!

Several members of WLSS recommend Erich Bauer and his online book shop:

Antiquariat Goecke & Evers
Inh. Erich Bauer
Sportplatzweg 5
D-75210 Keltern
Fax (++49) (0)7236-7325

as a source of insect books, including many titles dealing specifically with Saturniidae. I am in the process (March 2003) of obtaining the following books from Erich:

Lemaire's The Saturniidae of America 4
Kitchings's Sphingidae of the World

Erich has provided a special list of reference material dealing with Saturniidae. Contact him by email for instructions. Erich Bauer at

Kirby Wolfe recently directed me to this page:

Kirby had written, "My good friend, Ric Peigler, has just alerted me to his new site advertizing his great book on Samia. It has a gold mine of bibliography, as do all of his publications. I thought you would be interested in possibly putting a link to the site on your Saturniidae site."

I (Bill Oehlke) would certainly recommend any of Ric Peigler's books and have purchaed both his Samia and Attacus revisions.

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