Data Sheet Index

The following data sheets have been created for your convenience in keeping records of insect sightings.

Blank Data Sheet; Days 1-16

Blank Data Sheet; Days 17-31

Northeastern Saturniidae Data Sheet; Days 1-16

Northeastern Saturniidae Data Sheet; Days 17-31

Now that a template has been made, it would not be hard to create similar sheets for Sphingidae, Catocala, Arctiidae, butterflies, etc..

If you would like to have these available, email me (Bill Oehlke) at and I will create them and post them here so you can print at your convenience. I only ask, that at the end of each month/season, you send me copies or a summary.

I can create regional sheets for the families and genus mentioned above. If you would like sheets for other families, you would have to provide the list.

If you have suggestions for making more efficient sheets, please pass them along.

As data arrives here, the World's Largest Saturniidae Site, Caterpillars Too, Sphingidae of the Americas and North American Catocala websites will be updated. This page/service is available to all.

This page brought to you by Bill Oehlke and the WLSS.

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