Updated as per
Lemaire's Hemileucinae 2002, September 05, 2006
Updated as per personal communication with Horst Kach, ongoing Updated as per "The Saturniidae fauna of Napo Province, Ecuador: an overview", SHILAP Revta. lepid. 34 (134), 2006: 125-139, via Luigi Racheli, Sept. 2007 |
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Located in northeastern Ecuador, just west of northwestern Peru and south of Colombia, Napo Province is host to many (approximately 200) Saturniidae species.
In the west there are breathtaking cloud forests sloping eastward to subtropical rain forests and paramo (grasslands). One of Ecuador's most beautiful snow-capped volcanoes, Antisana, is close to the province's western border with Pichincha.
Buses run regularly from Quito, Pichincha Province, to and from Tena, the provincial capital, and there has been much reporting of Saturniidae along the road from Quito to Tena.
This page is inspired by and dedicated to Luigi Racheli
who sent me the publication "The Saturniidae fauna of Napo Province,
Ecuador: an overview (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)"
SHILAP Revta. lepid. 34 (134), 2006: 125-139.
I have used Luigi's document, co-authored with T. Racheli, to update
the list I had compiled by going through Lemaire's publications. Horst
Kach has also made very significant contributions to the progress of this
work, with data and numerous images.
As part of his conclusion, Luigi writes, "This provisional list of Saturniid
moths for Napo Province must be viewed only as the frame for future
I have posted some species not included in Luigi's checklist, based on
info from Horst Kach and my own interpolations/extrapolations.
N.B.: Those species followed by my initials (WO) are not confirmed for
Napo Province, but I think they have a good chance of being reported
Gamelia neidhoeferi female, Cosanga, Napo Province, Ecuador, courtesy of Horst Kach.
In 1998 the eastern half of Napo province was recognized as the new province of Orellana, but official maps showing the new province have not yet been produced. The new province of Orellana includes Yasuní National Park, an important area for botanical inventories. Similarly, in 1989 the province of Sucumbíos, which includes the botanically important Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve, was split off from Napo province.
Lemaire generally does not indicate Saturniidae species from Sucumbios province, and also does not report for Orellana. Species from those regions were designated by Lemaire as from Napo. The later reports by Racheli, Kach, and my own searches generally sorts out those from Lumbaqui in Sucumbios Province and the few located in the east in Orellana Province.
ARSENURINAERhescyntis descimoni courtesy of Bernhard Wenczel. Those species and subspecies followed by a "CL" are listed by Lemaire in his Arsenurinae, 1980, confirming many listings taken from the internet."HK" represents an addition from Horst Kach, and "LR" represents an addition from Luigi Racheli. If you have corrections or additions, or especially images of larvae and/or adults not currently depicted, please forward them to oehlkew@islandtelecom.com
SATURNIINAE: ATTACINIThose species and subspecies followed by a "CL" are listed by Lemaire in his Attacinae, 1978, confirming many internet postings. HK indicates additions by Horst Kach. LR indicates an addition/confirmation by Luigi Racheli.I suspect R. aurota auroamazonensis replaces nominate aurota in eastern Ecuador.
Those species and subspecies followed by a "CL" are listed by Lemaire in his Attacinae, 1978, confirming many internet postings. HK indicates an addition by Horst Kach. KW indicates an addition by Kirby Wolfe. LR indicates an addition/confirmation by Luigi Racheli.
Those species and subspecies followed by a CL are listed by Lemaire in his Hemileucinae, 2002, confirming species from many internet lists.I have also utilized, January 2007, L. & T. Racheli's An Update Checklist of the Saturniidae of Ecuador. Part I, in SHILAP, 2005, which includes some tentative species, some additions for Ecuador and some range extensions on the individual files beyond Lemaire's work. Horst Kach has also provided some range extensions and numerous images.
Arsenurinae |
Hemileucinae |
Hemileucinae |