"Hello Bill,
"I thought that you might be interested in a new hybrid that I have just reared. I had three male Brahmaea wallichii out with no female. Then to my surprise a very late female Brahmaea tancre emerged. I put her in the flight cage and to my surprise one of the male wallichii paired with her. The eggs that she laid were all apparently fertile, but, of the fifty that I kept, only about half managed to hatch. Some of the larvae were weak, didn’t feed and soon died, but seventeen have made it to L5 and they are now starting to pupate. I reared them on Privet (Ligustrum). I have photographed all the stages and the first few photos are attached here. I will send the rest attached to separate emails to keep the message size manageable. I wonder how the adults will turn out? Hopefully I will be able to send images later .... though they probably won’t emerge until next year."
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