Updated as per personal communication with Ron Brechlin, as presented in Entomo-Satsphingia for Bhutan; July 20, 2009
Updated as per personal communication with Ron Brechlin, (angustomarginata, kalangensis, paukpelengensis) as presented in Entomo-Satsphingia:
New Antheraea; July 22, 2009
Updated as per personal communication with Robert Vuattoux (Actias rhodopneuma); December 24, 2014

Saturniidae of Cambodia

Attacus atlas courtesy of Mark Lasko

Cambodia, located in Southeastern Asia, bordering the Gulf of Thailand, between Thailand, Vietnam and Laos, is host to approximately sixteen (2014) recognized Saturniidae species/subspecies. I suspect there are more yet to be declared.

With a total land areaa of 176,520 sq km, Cambodia is slightly smaller than the US state of Oklahoma.

Cambodia has a tropical monsoon climate. The monsoon season is from May to November and rainfall averages over 1300 mm per year in most regions of the country. The most pleasant season is the dry season, from December to April.

In the north, winters can be colder, while throughout most of the country temperatures remain fairly constant from 22-36 C (72-100 F).

Antheraea larissa ridlyi ?? male, Cambodia, 166mm, courtesy of Bill Garthe.

The image of the Antheraea larissa posted above courtesy of Bill Garthe was listed (perhaps innacurately by seller) as being from Cambodia. This would represent an expansion of the larissa complex into that country. The specimen might be nominate larissa, larissa ridlyi, or an unnamed subspecies.

I note the forewing apex seems less truncated than in other larissa or larissa ridlyi images, and the forewing outer margin seems more oblique than in other subspecies in that complex. Bill Oehlke

Attacus atlas (Linnaeus, 1758)

Samia canningi (Hutton, 1860)

Actias rhodopneuma (Rober, 1925) RV
Actias selene Roepke, 1956

Cricula trifenestrata (Helfer, 1837) subspecies

Antheraea angustomarginata Brechlin and Meister, 2009
Antheraea (Antheraea) frithi frithi Moore, 1859 Ron Brechlin
Antheraea larissa ridlyi ?? Moore, 1892

Antheraea (Antheraea) roylii Moore, 1859 Ron Brechlin

Loepa diffundata Naumann, Nassig and Loffler, 2008
Loepa diversiocellata, Bryk, 1944, now (2008) diffundata
Loepa miranda, Moore, 1865
Loepa siamensis siamensis, Brechlin, 2010 ??
Loepa siamensis malayensis, Brechlin, 2010

Saturnia (Saturnia) pyretorum Westwood, 1847 ("1848") (unclear status)

Solus parvifenestratus sinjaevi Nässig, 1994 (unclear status)

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On my home computer only: notes on Saturniidae of Bhutan by Ronald Brechlin (in English) as published in Entomo-Satsphingia 2 (1): 47 – 55 (March 2009)

On my home computer only: notes on new Antheraea by Ronald Brechlin (in German) as published in Entomo-Satsphingia 2 (1): 42 – 46 (March 2009)

The actual hardcopy editions of Entomo-Satsphingia may be purchased via the link to the left.