Updated as per The Saturniidae (Lepidoptera) of the island of Jawa, Paukstadt, 2002-2003; March 1, 2010

Saturniidae of Jawa (Java)

Attacus atlas courtesy of Mark Lasko

Attacus atlas (Linnaeus, 1758), D.K.I. Jakarta, West Jawa Province, Banten Prov., D.I. Yogyakarta, Central Jawa Prov., East Jawa Prov.

Archaeoattacus staudingeri (W. Rothschild, 1895), West Jawa Province, East Jawa Prov.

Samia insularis Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1862, D.K.I. Jakarta, West Jawa Province, Banten Prov., D.I. Yogyakarta, Central Jawa Prov., East Jawa Prov.
Samia abrerai Naumann & Peigler, 2001, West Jawa Province, East Jawa Prov.

Actias maenas saja Van Eecke, 1913, West Jawa Province, Banten Prov., East Jawa Prov.
Actias seitzi seitzi Kalis, 1934, East Jawa Province

Antheraea (Antheraeopsis) youngi Watson, 1915, West Jawa Province, Banten Prov., East Jawa Prov.
Antheraea jana (Stoll, 1783), West Jawa Province, Banten Prov., Central Jawa Prov., East Jawa Prov.
Antheraea larissa larissa (Westwood, 1847), West Jawa Province, Banten Prov., Central Jawa Prov., East Jawa Prov.
Antheraea pasteuri Bouvier, 1928, West Jawa Province, Banten Prov., Central Jawa Prov., East Jawa Prov.
Antheraea raffrayi Bouvier, 1928, West Jawa Province, Banten Prov., Central Jawa Prov., East Jawa Prov.
Antheraea korintjiana Bouvier, 1928, West Jawa Province, Banten Prov.
Antheraea imperator Watson, 1913, West Jawa Province, Banten Prov., Central Jawa Prov., East Jawa Prov.
Antheraea pratti Bouvier, 1928, West Jawa Province

Loepa cynopis Nässig & Suhardjono, 1989, West Jawa Province, East Jawa Prov.
Loepa javanica Mell, 1938 , West Jawa Province, East Jawa Prov.
Loepa hayatiae U. Paukstadt & Brechlin, 2011, Province Jawa Barat, Mt. Sindur, Tasikmalaya, ca. 90 km. SE Bandung.

Lemaireia chrysopeplus (Toxopeus, 1940), West Jawa Province, East Jawa Prov.

Cricula trifenestrata javana Watson, 1913
Cricula elaezia Jordan, 1909, West Jawa Province, East Jawa Prov.

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On my home computer only: notes on Saturniidae of Bhutan by Ronald Brechlin (in English) as published in Entomo-Satsphingia 2 (1): 47 – 55 (March 2009)

On my home computer only: notes on new Antheraea by Ronald Brechlin (in German) as published in Entomo-Satsphingia 2 (1): 42 – 46 (March 2009)

The actual hardcopy editions of Entomo-Satsphingia may be purchased via the link to the left.