Updated as per Moths of Thailand, Volume One, Saturniidae, Pinratana and Lampe, March 3, 2009 Updated as per Geographical Distribution and Status of Actias Moths in Thailand, Choldumrongkul, Tubtim and RatanachanMarch 3, 2009 Updated as per personal communication with Adam Cotton (Loepa anthera, Nan Province, northern Thailand); July 5, 2012 |
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A special thanks goes to John Moore for the use of his many excellent images of Saturniidae from Thailand. Images used on the following files are linked back to his site.
In an effort to improve the accuracy of this page and coverage of the Saturniidae listed, I have purchased (March 2009) a copy of Moths of Thailand, Volume One, Saturniidae, Pinratana and Lampe, 1990, from Erich Bauer. Those species followed by MoT are confirmed in that publication, with Loepa diversiocellata being renamed as Loepa diffundata by Naumann, Nassig and Loffler, 2008 in 2008. I have added Antheraea (Antheraeopsis) assamensis, Antheraea jana and Antheraea larissa larissa to this list based on that publication.
I have also utilized Peigler's and Naumann's Samia revision.
Salassa lemaii Le Moult, 1933 MoT Chiang Mai
Salassa thespis (Leech, 1890) [?] MoT Chiang Mai
Attacus atlas (Linnaeus, 1758) MoT throughout Thailand
Archaeoattacus edwardsii (White, 1859) MoT Chiang Mai in northern Thailand, probably throughout Thailand
Samia canningi (Hutton, 1860) MoT Chiang Mai, Kanchanaburi, Nakhon Nayok; probably throughout Thailand
Samia kohlli Naumann & Peigler, 2001 Peigler and Naumann Chiang Mai
Samia ricini (Iones, 1791) MoT ?? Chiang Mai
Actias maenas (Doubleday, 1847) MoT, widespread
Actias parasinensis Brechlin, 2009 Ron Brechlin
Actias rhodopneuma Röber, 1925 MoT, probably exclusively northern: Chiang Mai and Doi Phu Kha National Park, Nan Province, 1300m
Actias selene (Hübner, 1806) ssp? MoT, widespread above Isthmus of Kra
Actias sinensis (Walker, 1855) Geographical Distribution and Status of Actias Moths in Thailand, probably extinct in Thailand as A. sinensis heterogyna
Actias sinensis heterogyna Mell, 1914 MoT/Geographical Distribution and Status of Actias Moths in Thailand, probably extinct in Thailand; was in Chaiyaphum and Phetchaboon, probably same as
Actias sinensis (Ron Brechlin 2009)
Rhodinia newara (Moore, 1872) MoT
Saturnia (Saturnia) centralis Naumann & Loeffler, 2005 Naumann Chiang Mai
Saturnia (Saturnia) pinratanai Lampe, 1989 MoT Doi Inthanon and Chiang Mai
Saturnia (Rinaca) anna diversa Bryk, 1944 confirmed by Ron Brechlin in northern Thailand
Saturnia (Rinaca) cachara Moore, 1872 MoT Chiang Mai
Saturnia (Rinaca) lesoudieri (Le Moult, 1933) I suspect ?? it is lesoudieri (not zuleika), formerly a subspecies of zuleika, that flies
in northern Thailand: Chiang Mai
Saturnia (Rinaca) simla (Westwood, 1847) MoT Chiang Mai
Saturnia (Rinaca) thibeta (Westwood, 1853) MoT Chiang Mai
Saturnia (Rinaca) zuleika Hope, 1843 MoT Ron Brechlin confirms nominative subspecies in Thailand.
Loepa anthera Jordan, 1911, Nan Province, northern Thailand (AC)
Loepa diffundata Naumann, Nassig and Loffler, 2008 MoT widespread western Thailand, not below Isthmus of Kra
Loepa diversiocellata, Bryk, 1944, now (2008) diffundata MoT widespread western Thailand, not below Isthmus of Kra
Loepa miranda Moore, 1865 MoT Chiang Mai
Loepa orientomiranda mirella Brechlin 2010 northern Thailand; possibly a replacement name for miranda in Vietnam
Loepa siamensis siamensis, Brechlin, 2010
Loepa siamensis malayensis, Brechlin, 2010 ?WO?
Loepa sikkima sikkima Mell, 1938 MoT Chiang Mai, Phuket, Surat Thani
Cricula jordani Bryk, 1944 MoT
Cricula trifenestrata Helfer, 1837 MoT
Antheraea (Antheraeopsis) assamensis MoT widespread: Chiang Mai, Kanchanaburi, Nakhon Nayok
Lemaireia luteopeplus aureopeplus Nässig & Holloway, 1988 MoT Chiang Mai
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Antheraea (Antheraeopsis) youngi Watson, 1915 if present, probably in southern regions only, possibly dark form of assamensis
Antheraea (Antheraea) frithi Moore, 1859 MoT northern and western: Chiang Mai and Sara Buri
Antheraea (Antheraea) pedunculata Bouvier, 1936 ? MoT southern and eastern: Surat Thani and Mukdahan
Antheraea (Antheraea) gschwandneri Niepelt, 1918 ? Naumann, 2001
Antheraea myanmarensis U.Paukstadt, L.H.Paukstadt & Brosch, 1998
[junior synonym of A. gschwandneri]. Naumann, 2001
Antheraea (Antheraea) helferi helferi Moore, 1859 MoT Kanchanaburi
Antheraea (Antheraea) jana Stoll, 1782 MoT corrected to A. platessa
Antheraea (Antheraea) lampei Nässig & Holloway, 1989 possibly in southern Thailand (WO?)
Antheraea (Antheraea) larissa larissa Westwood, 1847 MoT
Antheraea (Antheraea) larissa ridlyi Moore, 1892 probably in southern Thailand (WO?)
Antheraea (Antheraea) platessa platessa W. Rothschild, 1903 Kanchanaburi and Nakhon Nayok
Antheraea (Antheraea) ranongensis Paukstadt, U. & Paukstadt, L.H., 2010,
Antheraea roylii roylii (Guérin-Méneville, 1855) MoT Chiang Mai, Kanchanburi, Nakhon Nayok
Antheraea (Antheraea) rosieri (Toxopeus, 1940) MoT ?? Chiang Mai, Sara Buri southwards
Antheraea (Antheraea) steinkeorum U. Paukstadt, L.H. Paukstadt & Brosch, 1999 [?] Ulrich Paukstadt ALBCOL southern: Ranong