Updated as per Bouyer's Catalogue des Saturniidae of Africa 1999, November 3, 2005 Updated as per personal communication with Patrick Basquin (possible reinstatement of australis as subspecies of suraka); January 13, 2015 Updated as per personal communication with Patrick Basquin (elevation of comorana to full species status); January 19, 2015 |
TAXONOMY:Superfamily: Bombycoidea, Latreille, 1802 |
Wind Beneath My Wings |
Listing of Antherina
P suraka (Boisduval, 1883) Madagascar
P suraka australis Griveaud 1982 Madagascar
P suraka comorana Viette, 1965
Comoros and other islands between northeastern Mozambique and northwestern Madagascar;
elevated to full species status as Antherina comorana
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