Updated as per Entomo Satsphingia Jahrgang 3, Heft 5, 18.11, 2010; January 22, 2012


Attacus lorquinii, C. & R. Felder, courtesy of Leroy Simon



Superfamily: Bombycoidea, Latreille, 1802
Family: Saturniidae, Boisduval, [1837] 1834
Subfamily: Saturniinae, Boisduval, [1837] 1834
Tribe: Attacini, Blanchard, 1840
Genus: Attacus, Linnaeus, 1767

P indicates an image is available.

Many subspecies of Attacus atlas have been described, but it is doubtful that any are true subspecies, more likely just clinal variations.

I have recently revised these files based on Peigler's revision of this genus. I believe distributions and ids and descriptions are now correct except on pages where I have noted possible errors.

Listing of Attacus

P atlas (Lineaus, 1758) Southeast Asia
P atlas formosanus Villiard, 1969 Southern China, Taiwan, Philippines: Babuyan Islands, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan: Ryukyus; Peigler: synonym of A. atlas
P atlas ryukyuensis Inoue, 1993 Japan: Ryukyu Islands
P atlas silhetica (Helfer, 1837) Dacca and Sylhet, Bangladesh; Peigler: synonym of A. atlas
P aurantiacus Rothshcild, 1895 Indonesia: Moluku Island, North Moluku Island, Papua, Papua New Guinea
P caesar Maassen and Weymer, (1873) southern Philippines
P crameri C. Felder, 1861 central Moluccas of Indonesia: Ambon, Batjan, Buru, Ceram, Saparua
P dohertyi W. Rothschild, 1895 Timor, Romang and Damar of the eastern Lesser Sunda Islands
P erebus Fruhstorfer, 1904 Celebes; Indonesian province of Sulawesi
P imperator Philippines; imperator is a synonym of caesar
P inopinatus Jurriaanse & Lindemans, 1920 Indonesia: Flores
P intermedius Jurriaanse & Lindemans, 1920 Moluccas: Tanimbar Islands
P lemairei Peigler, 1985 Philippines: Palawan, Balabac
P lorquinii C. & R. Felder, 1861 Philippines: Cebu, Guimaras, Luzon, Marinduque, Mindanao, Mindoro, Negros, Panay, Polillo and Samar.
P mcmulleni J. H. Watson Sumatra: Andaman and Nicobar Islands only
P paraliae Peigler, 1985 Sulawesi
P paukstadtorum Brechlin, 2010 Indonesia: Lombok; Sumbawa
P selayarensis Naumann & Peigler, 2012 Sulawesi:Selayar Island, South of Sulawesi
P soembanus (van Eecke, 1933) Indonesia: Sumba

P suparmani U. Paukstadt & L. H. Paukstadt, 2002 : Lesser Sunda islands: Alor Islands
P taprobanis Moore, 1882 Sri Lanka, probably Ceylon and southern India
P wardi Rothschild, 1910 Australia: Queensland, Northern Territory

Undetermined Attacus

Attacus paraliae?? male, Papua New Guinea??, courtesy of Andrei Rosen.

Andrei sent me the image, above, indicating he had purchased it on Ebay where it was listed as being from Papua New Guinea. Either there was 1) a reporting error regarding location, 2) a significant range extension into PNG, or 3) the specimen represents an undescribed species. There are some slight differences from Peigler's depiction (= slightly larger forewing fenestrae with longer point toward apex) of A. paraliae so I think this is possibly an undescribed species, especially if location is correct.

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