The genus is distinguished from the Hyalophora by
females having the pectinations of the anterior pair shorter
than the posterior pair on each antennae joint.
In the larvae, abdominal segments 1 and 2 bear one scolus or none below the spiracle, or
sometimes a second very rudimentary one. The scoli alpha of the first abdominal segment are not
much larger than those of the second segment.
P indicates a photograph is available. The first state/country/etc., listed is the type locality.
Range may exceed that listed.
P angulifera (Walker, 1855) mid Atlantic states, Ohio Valley
P promethea (Drury, 1773) New York, Virginia, eastern half of U.S., S.E. Canada
P securifera (Maassen, 1873) South Carolina to Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana
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