Updated as per personal communication with Carlos Mielke (publication), June 2009
Updated as per personal communication with Ulf Dreschel (Canindeyu, Paraguay, 2008) Updated as per Nachrichten des Entomologischen Vereins Apollo N.F. 30 (1/2): 93-94 (2009), courtesy Carlos Mielke, June 2009 |
P indicates an image is available. The first country listed is the specimen type locality.
P sigridae Mielke and Dreschel, 2009
Paraguay: Canindeyu
P venata (Butler, 1871)
Dirphia consularis (Burmeister, 1878), Argentina, is same as venata
Dirphia tribunalis (Burmeister, 1878), Argentina, is same as venata
P zeta (Berg, 1885)
Dirphia carilapha (Schaus, 1924), Uruguay, is same as zeta
Heliconisa boliviana (Bouvier, 1930), Bolivia, is a synonym for zeta
Namuncuraia mansosotoi (Orfila, 1951), Argentina, is a synonym for zeta
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