Updated as per Lemaire's Arsenurinae 1980, November 4, 2005


Rhescyntis hippodamia hippodamia male courtesy of Entomo Service


Superfamily: Bombycoidea, Latreille, 1802
Family; Saturniidae, Boisduval, [1837] 1834
Subfamily: Arsenurinae, Jordan 1922
Tribe: Arsenurini, Jordan, 1922
Genus: Rhescyntis Hubner, [1819]

The Arsenurini are a primitive tribe found in tropical South and Central America. The Rhescyntis larvae are particularly interesting.

Rhescyntis hippodamia, Costa Rica, courtesy of Dan Janzen.

Machaerosema (W. Rothschild, 1907) is a junior synonym for Rhescyntis.

Many of the species listed on the web under Rhescyntis should be more properly classified with other genera listed in brown!

P indicates a photograph is available. The first country listed is the type locality.

Listing of Rhescyntis

P descimoni Lemaire, 1975 eastern Ecuador
P hermes (W. Rothschild, 1907) Guyana, Ecuador, French Guiana, Venezuela, Brazil, Peru
P hermes hermandensis Brechlin & Meister, 2013 Ecuador, Peru
P hippodamia hippodamia (Cramer, 1777) Suriname, Ecuador, Venezuela, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, French Guiana, Guyana, Colombia.
hippodamia martii Perty, 1833, Brazil, is a synonym for hippodamia hippodamia
P hippodamia colombiana Bouvier, 1927 Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
f. pomposa Draudt, 1930, Colombia, is a synonym for hippodamia colombiana
P hippodamia gigantea (Bouvier, 1930) southeastern Brazil
P hippodamia norax Druce, 1897 Panama, Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Costa Rica
septrionalis Vazquez, 1966, Mexico, is a synonym for hippodamia norax
P pseudomartii, Lemaire, 1976 southeastern Brazil
P reducta Camargo & Becker, 2001 Brazil

The following are sometimes listed as Rhescyntis in older references or on the internet. Their current genera assignments are listed in brown.

P angulatus Bouvier, 1924 Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay ? Arsenura orbignyana
P batesii arcaei Druce, 1886 Nic., Costa Rica, Panama, western Colombia, W. Ecu., Bra., F. G. Arsenura
P armida (Cramer, 1779) Mex., Bel., Gua., E.S., Nic., C.R., Pan., Ven., Ecu. F.G., Col., Ecu., Per., Guy., Sur., Bra., Bol Arsenura
P aspasia (Herrich Schaeffer, [1853] southeastern Brazil Arsenura
P biundulata Schaus, 1906 southeastern Brazil Arsenura
P championi (Druce, 1886) Pan., Mex., Gua., Nic., C.R., Pan., Ven., Col., Ecu.? Caio
P polyodonta (Jordan, 1911) central and western Mexico Arsenura
P rebeli Gschwandner, 1920 Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia Arsenura
P richardsoni (Druce, 1890) Mexico Caio
P romulus (Maassen, 1869) Brazil, Peru? Bolivia? Caio
P xanthopus (Walker, 1855) southern Brazil Arsenura

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