Updated as per Lemaire's Ceratocampinae 1988, September 25, 2006
Updated as per personal communication with Robert Lehman (S. santarosensis confirmed in La Ceiba, Honduras); August 2010
Updated as per Entomo-Satsphingia Jahrgang 4, Heft 3 23.08.2011); February 11, 2013
Updated as per Entomo-Satsphingia Jahrgang 6, Heft 2 21.02.2013); February 11, 2013

Schausiella santarosensis female moth courtesy of Dan Janzen.
The Genus Schausiella
belongs to the Subfamily Ceratocampinae of the Family Saturniidae. Ceratocampinae larvae are earth pupators,
and males of this genus have bipectinate antennae for the basal two thirds.
The Schausiella all fly in Central and South America.
Larvae emerge with well developed thoracic spikes and thrash about when disturbed.
Packaging within the egg
shell must be quite efficient to allow for such magnificent
development.Spines remain well developed through first four instars. In the second instar, larvae take on a burgundy hue
before adopting the standard green of later instars.
Feeding is at night. |
Fourth instar larvae have brown heads and spines remain well-developed. Growth is rapid during fourth and fifth
instars. Larvae can fully develop in about one month.
The spines practically disappear in the final instar and larvae become very chunky. Head colouration has also
changed. All images on this page are courtesy of Dan Janzen. |
P indicates a photograph is available. The first country listed is the type locality.
Listing of Schausiella as of March 2013
P arpi (Schaus, 1892),
eastern Brazil
P carabaya
(W. Rothschild, 1907),
southeastern Peru,
eastern Ecuador,
Bolivia: La Paz; ?
N cuscensis Brechlin & Meister, 2013,
Peru: Cusco
P denhezorum
Lemaire, 1969,
western Colombia,
Costa Rica,
P janeira (Schaus, 1892),
eastern Brazil Bahia
P longispina (W. Rothschild, 1907),
southeastern Peru: Madre de Dios, eastern
Bolivia: La Paz
vellosoi, Travassos, 1958, Brazil, Peru, is a synonym for longispina
N longispinoides Brechlin & Meister, 2013,
Peru: San Martin
N maranhensis Brechlin & Meister, 2013,
Brazil: Maranhao
P moinieri Lemaire, 1969,
Costa Rica
P polybia, (Stoll, 1781)
F. G.,
schausi, Bouvier, 1931, French Guiana, is a synonym for polybia
N ronaldzunigi Brechlin & Meister, 2011,
Costa Rica: Puntarenas
N sanjuensis Brechlin & Meister, 2011,
Nicaragua: Rio San Juan
P santarosensis Lemaire,1982,
Costa Rica,
Nicaragua: Rio San Juan,
Honduras (RL via DNA to RR)
N satipensis Brechlin & Meister, 2013,
Peru: Junin
P spitzi Travassos, 1958,
P subochreata (Schaus,1904),
F. G.,
adocima, Dyar, 1914, Panama, is a synonym for subochreata
bipuncta, Dognin, 1923, Colombia, is a synonym for subochreata
klagesi, W. Rothschild, 1907, Surninam, is a synonym for subochreata
polybioides, Bouvier, 1927, French Guiana, is a synonym for subochreata
P toulgoeti Lemaire, 1969,
N yungasensis Brechlin & Meister, 2013,
Bolivia: La Paz
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Very Distinct Species

Schausiella spitzi
M: 59-76mm; F: 87-102mm
M fw: uniform silvery-grey,
with no am or pm line,
contrasting yellow veins
yellow fringe all wings
hw yellow with grey apical patch
M: yellow body except small spot, outlined in black, on metathorax
central Brazil: Federal District; Goias; Mato Grosso

Schausiella subochreata
86-89mm; females: 110-113mm
very dark reddish brown
no white spot on dorsal metathorax
am/pm lines faint, vestigial
Colombia: Choco; Meta;
??Guaviare; Guainia; Putamayo; Caqueta; Vaupes; Amazonas
Panama: Canal Zone: Cabima
Venezuela: Bolivar; Monagas
Guyana: Omai
Suriname: Maroewym Valley; Aroewarwa Creek; Brokopondo: Brownsberg;
French Guiana: Saint-Jean-du-Maroni, Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni, Kaw
Brazil: Para; Amazonas; Bahia; Mato Grosso; Sao Paulo
Ecuador: Napo
Bolivia: La Paz: Nor Yungas
Paraguay: Concepcion; Amambay

Schausiella ronaldzunigi
M: 79mm;
almost uniform dark reddish brown ground colour
broadly preapical, thin, black, slightly scalloped
pm line
very crescentric, pale orange, contrasting cell mark
body with white spot on dorsal metathorax
sorry, no image available at this time; very similar in
ground colour and wing shape to S. subochreata,
but slightly scalloped pm line will quickly distinguish it, and mark on metathorax
will confirm id
Costa Rica: Puntarenas

Schausiella denhezorum
M: 81-94mm; F: 115-126mm
fw pm line quite pre-apical
fw outer margin usually slightly concave
hw solid red with thin black median line
otherwise quite similar to most species below
western Colombia: Valle; Choco
Costa Rica: Cartago; San Jose; Alajuela; Guanacaste; Heredia; Limon
Panama: Bocas del Toro
Additional Central American Species

Schausiella sanjuensis
M: 89mm; 40-1100m
sympatric with S. santarosensis
S. sanjuensis: lighter, more beigey fw
hw: less intense red
DNA barcoding required
Nicaragua: Rio San Juan

Schausiella santarosensis
M: 72-100mmm; F: 98-130mm; 100m
dark grey-brown forewing
intense red hindwing
Costa Rica: Guanacaste; Puntarenas
Honduras: Atlantida: La Ceiba
Nicaragua: Rio San Juan
Schausiella moinieri to the right is similar to
Schausiella denhezorum (above) also from Costa Rica,
and both have a very pre-apical fw pm line (although in moinieri the pm line consists
more in a clearcut pattern change than in an actual line), but moinieri
has a more rounded apex, a convex and less oblique fw outer margin
The hindwing of moineri lacks the thin black median line found in denhezorum, and moinieri has a much more extensive brown apical area
on the hind wing.

Schausiella moinieri
M: 80-89mm; F: 110-113mm
montane species
Panama: Santa Clara de Chiriqui
Costa Rica: Puntarenas; San Jose
South American Species

Schausiella arpi
M: 70-86mm; F: 100mm
strongly orange fw & hw
eastern Brazil: Alagoas; Bahia; Goias; Minas Gerais: Itanhandu; Espirito Santo; Rio de Janeiro; Sao Paulo; Parana; Santa Catarina
Paraguay: Concepcion; San Pedro; Canindeyu; Alto Parana; Caaguazu; La Nina
possibly Guaira; Caazapa, Amambay: Itapua

Schausiella carabaya
M: 81-88mm; 1100-2300m
southeastern Peru: Puno; Madre de Dios; Oxapampa, Pasco; ??Ucayali
eastern and western Ecuador: Napo; Esmeraldas; ??Carchi; Imbabura;
Sucumbios; Orellana; Pastaza
Bolivia: Cochabamba; La Paz
possibly western Brazil

Schausiella maranhensis
M: 68mm; Mfwl: 35-37mm; 480m
Sorry, no image available
Fw gc orangey
Am line quite straight, perpendicular to costa, intersecting pm line at almost 90 degrees
Hw gc yellowish-orange, darker reddish hairs near im
Brazil: Maranhao

Schausiella janeira
M: 73-84mm; F: 108-113mm
yellow-orange with grey suffusions
am line perpendicular to im; right-angled at turn to costa
southeastern Brazil: Espirito Santo; Rio de Janeiro; Sao Paulo; Parana; Santa Catarina

Schausiella longispina
M: 77-83mm; Mfwl: 40-42mm; 300-700m
Peru: Puno; Madre de Dios
Bolivia: La Paz
very similar to S. arpi
examination of genitalia or DNA barcoding might be required for positive id
longispina: more Andean
polypbia: more Guyano-Amazonian

Schausiella longispinoides
M: 81mm; Mfwl: 41-43mm
Both the outer margin and the pm line are
noticeably convex
ground colour is dark brown with orange basal and lower
half marginal area
Peru: San Martin; Amazonas; Loreto

Schausiella polybia
M: 68-85mm; F: 105mm
Suriname: Brokopondo District: Brownsberg
French Guiana: Saint-Jean-du-Maroni; Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni; Kaw;
Guyana: Kartabo
Venezuela: Bolivar; Monagas
Brazil: Amapa; Para; Amazonas
Ecuador: Marona-Santiago
Peru: Amazonas
??southeastern Colombia

Schausiella toulgoeti
M: 78-96mm; 60-1000m
similar to S. arpi
western Colombia: Valle; Choco
Peru and/or Bolivia Only

Schausiella longispinoides
M: 81mm; Mfwl: 41-43mm
Both the outer margin and the pm line are
noticeably convex
ground colour is dark brown with orange basal and lower
half marginal area
Peru: San Martin; Amazonas; Loreto

Schausiella yungasensis
M: 87mm; Mfwl: 45mm
very small orange cell mark
almost uniform reddish-brown except
for fleshy upper third of median area along pm line
pm line slightly concave
outer margin slightly convex
Bolivia: La Paz

Schausiella cuscensis
M: 81mm; Mfwl: 40-42males
averages smaller than satipensis
higher elevation than satipensis
hindwing inner margin relatively stragiht
Peru: Cusco

Schausiella satipensis
M: 88mm; Mfwl: 41-44mm
on average larger than cuscensis
lower elevation than cuscensis
hindwing inner margin convex, giving hw a fuller appearance
Peru: Junin: Satipo