Updated as per Entomofauna Monograph 1: 44-49, September 2007, Solus notes and New Taxa from China, courtesy of Ronald Brechlin, February 2008 Updated as per Entomo-Satsphingia Jahrgang 8 Heft 02 31.07.2015; January 1, 2016 |
Gabaidanus Nässig, 1989, named after Gabriele-Aida, former girlfriend of the author, in a free variation and combination of her two first names.
Sinjaevi Nässig, 1994, named after the collector, Viktor SINIAEV [SINJAEV].
N Solus medogiana Ronald Brechlin, 2015 western
China: Tibet/Xizang: Medok/Medog
N Solus chongqingana Ronald Brechlin, 2015
China: east of Sichuan: Chongqing
N Solus kontuma Ronald Brechlin, 2015
Vietnam: Kon Tum: Mt. Ngoc Linh
N Solus drepanoides (Moore, [1866]) northern
India: West Bengal, Darjiling;
P Solus p. parvifenestratus
Bryk, 1944 Burma: Kambaiti (near border with Yunnan);
China: Yunnan; northern
P Solus parvifenestratus sinjaevi Nässig, 1994
Vietnam: Fansipan-Gebirge;
Brechlin indicates this is a junior synonym of
nominate subspecies, 2007
N Solus parvifenestratus gabaidanus Nässig, 1989
Burma: Chin Hills: Mount Viktoria
P Solus sichuanus Brechlin, 2007
China: Sichuan
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