Updated as per Entomofauna Monograph 1: 44-49, September 2007, Solus notes and New Taxa from China, courtesy of Ronald Brechlin, February 2008
Updated as per Entomo-Satsphingia Jahrgang 8 Heft 02 31.07.2015; January 1, 2016



Solus parvifenestratus parvifenestratus (male), Yunnan, China, courtesy of Weiwei Zhang.

Solus parvifenestratus parvifenestratus (male), Vietnam, courtesy of Eric van Schayck.

Solus belongs to the Saturniini tribe of Subfamily Saturniinae, Family Saturniidae.

Gabaidanus Nässig, 1989, named after Gabriele-Aida, former girlfriend of the author, in a free variation and combination of her two first names.

Sinjaevi Nässig, 1994, named after the collector, Viktor SINIAEV [SINJAEV].

Listing of Solus

N Solus medogiana Ronald Brechlin, 2015 western China: Tibet/Xizang: Medok/Medog
N Solus chongqingana Ronald Brechlin, 2015 China: east of Sichuan: Chongqing
N Solus kontuma Ronald Brechlin, 2015 Vietnam: Kon Tum: Mt. Ngoc Linh

N Solus drepanoides (Moore, [1866]) northern India: West Bengal, Darjiling; Bhutan
P Solus p. parvifenestratus Bryk, 1944 Burma: Kambaiti (near border with Yunnan); China: Yunnan; northern Vietnam
P Solus parvifenestratus sinjaevi Nässig, 1994 Laos; Vietnam: Fansipan-Gebirge; Brechlin indicates this is a junior synonym of nominate subspecies, 2007
N Solus parvifenestratus gabaidanus Nässig, 1989 Burma: Chin Hills: Mount Viktoria
P Solus sichuanus Brechlin, 2007 China: Sichuan

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On my home computer only Solus notes, courtesy of Ronald Brechlin