Updated as per Entomo Satsphingia Jahrgang 4, Heft 4, 21.10.11; January 18, 2012
Automerina cypria male, San Salvadore de Jujuy, Argentina,
45mm, November 17, 2009, courtesy of Nigel Venters.
TAXONOMY:Superfamily: Bombycoidea, Latreille, 1802 |
"What.A.Wonderful.World" |
Fresher specimens are usually browner. Note line of outer margin moving away from the body as it moves toward the anal angle. The male apex is only very slightly produced or perhaps has that appearanace due to slight indentation just below the apex.
Automerina cypria male, 45mm, Calilegua, Jujuy, Argentina,
November 17, 2009, 750m, courtesy of Nigel Venters,
tentative id by Bill Oehlke; large stated wing span has prompted investigation,
on my home computer only, wing span may be in error (yes, should be 45mm).
Automerina cypria male (verso), 45mm, Calilegua, Jujuy, Argentina,
November 17, 2009, 750m, courtesy of Nigel Venters,
tentative id by Bill Oehlke; large stated wing span has prompted investigation,
on my home computer only, wing span may be in error.
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