Automeris heppneri male, 68mm, Peru, BOLD Systems,
on my home computer only.
TAXONOMY:Superfamily: Bombycoidea, Latreille, 1802 |
"Someone to Watch Over Me" |
Ground colour is yellowish-brown with muddy brown along the costa and around the cell which is marked by a white central dot. The apical, straight, oblique, thin, black pm line meets the inner margin close to the body. It is bordered on its upper side by a yellow strip and on its lower side by a brown strip. There is no evidence of an antemedian line or of a subterminal line.
The small hindwing eyespot has a pupil suffused in white. There is a single smooth black band.
Visit Automeris grammodes Group Comparison Plate to see thumbnails of available species from the Automeris grammodes Group, with notes to hopefully help determine species. This species has been taken at elevations from 175m to 800m, as more of an Amazonian rather than Andean species.
Brechlin & Meister indicate the specimens (5 and 6 on Plate 63) depicted as A. grammodes in Lemaire's Hemileucinae 2002 are actually A. grammoboliviana. On that same plate Item 7 is probably peggyae, and Item 8 is A. heppneri. I also suspect that Item 4 from western Canar, Ecuador, is A. unifasciatus, and Item 3 from Huanuco, Peru, might be grammodes, grammocuscoensis or grammocajamarcensis.
Larval hosts are unknown.
Automeris heppneri female, 78mm, Salvacion, Madre de Dios, Peru,
November-December 1998, 500m, on my home computer only.
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