Antheraea korintjiana
Updated as per Die Saturniidae der Cameron- und Genting-Highlands in West Malaysia, Lampe, 1984; March 13, 2009
Updated as per Wolfgang Nassig: Saturniidae of Peninsular Malaysia with commentary on R. Lampe's 1984
Die Saturniidae der Cameron- and Genting-Highlands in West-Malaysia, March 2009.
Updated as per personal communication with C. W. Gan, March 20, 2009
Antheraea (pernyi) roylii korintjiana
(Bouvier, 1928)

Antheraea (pernyi) roylii korintjiana male
Superfamily: Bombycoidea, Latreille, 1802
Family: Saturniidae, Boisduval, [1837] 1834
Subfamily: Saturniinae, Boisduval, [1837] 1834
Tribe: Saturniini, Boisduval, [1837] 1834
Genus: Antheraea, Hubner, 1819
"Eyes for You"
copyright C. Odenkirk
Antheraea (pernyi) roylii korintjiana
(wingspan: males: 137-152mm; females: 127-151mm), often classified as a subspecies of roylei (correct spelling is roylii),
flies as a montane species in
Borneo = Kalimantan: Gunong Mulu, Sarawak (1790m); and
Peninsular Malaysia: Genting-Highlands (1500m), Tapah Hills (900m), Cameron-Highlands (900m).
Males can be dark brown, greyish-brown or orange, in all cases with yellow-orange fringe (broken into segments by darker wing veins), inwardly lined with darker scales.
The male forewing apex is quite produced and the outer margin is very concave, but not so much as in A. lampei (see comparison images at bottom of this page.
The dark post median line is also slightly concave in its upper reaches but straightens in a non-undualting fashion to the inner margin.
The veins are lightly suffused with relatively wide bands of darker scales, especially in the upper reaches of the median area.
There is a relatively faint, diffuse, slightly darker, convex band running from the costa to the inner margin just outside the forewing ocellus.
I notice in the few specimens I have seen that the straight upper quarter of the am line is perpendicular to the costa, whereas in A. lampei
this same section is convex and forms an acute (almost 45 degree) inward angle with the costa.

Antheraea (pernyi) roylii korintjiana male,
Frasers Hill, Pahang, Malaysia, April 2008,
courtesy/copyright C. W. Gan, id by Bill Oehlke.
In Pahang, Malaysia, moths have been observed in February-March-April, August and November, suggesting at least three broods.

Antheraea (pernyi) roylii korintjiana male (verso),
Frasers Hill, Pahang, Malaysia, April 2008,
courtesy/copyright C. W. Gan, id by Bill Oehlke.
Females attract the night flying males with an airbourne
Larval Food Plants
It is hoped that this alphabetical listing followed by the common
name of the foodplant will prove useful. The list is not exhaustive.
Experimenting with closely related foodplants is worthwhile.
Bassia latifolia Bassia longifolia Betula alnoides
Cyperus esculentus Daphniphyllum himalense..... Euodia fraxinifolia Prunus puddum
Pyrus communis Pyrus malus Quercus dealbata Quercus dilatata Quercus glauca
Quercus himalayana Quercus ilex Quercus incana Quercus robur Quercus semicarpifolia Quercus
semiserrata Quercus serrata Quercus tueneri
Mohwa tree Mohwa tree Indian birch Nutsedge Daphniphyllum Poyam
Wild black cherry Pear Apple Oak Green oak of the Himalaya
Oak Oak Holly/Holm oak Grey oak English oak Oak Oak Konara oak Oak
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Antheraea (pernyi) roylii korintjiana and Antheraea lampei COMPARISON
The following composit image shows two recto images of Antheraea lampei males followed by
a recto image of a third Antheraea lampei male. Superimposed on the right forewing of each
of those three males is a verso image of an Antheraea (pernyi) roylii korintjiana male to show that
male A. lampei have a much more produced forewing apex, a more concave outer margin (obscured by overlay),
and a more produced forewing anal angle.
A left forewing Antheraea (pernyi) roylii korintjiana recto overlay on top of the second A. lampei image
illustrates those same features and shows the differences in the am line, as mentioned above.
Ground colour varies for both species.