Automeris pastaziana
Automeris pastaziana
Brechlin & Meister 2011

Automeris pastaziana/santaclariana male, 72mm, Rio Tiputini, Yasuni, Orellana, Ecuador,
October 2001, 300m, courtesy of Terry Stoddard, id by Bill Oehlke.
The hindwing pupil is larger than would be expected in either pastaziana or santaclariana, but those are the only two species in the hamata subgroup
from eastern Ecuador that have the brownish am line. Pastaziana tends to show more contrast between lines and ground color, so I favour pastaziana.

Automeris pastaziana/santaclariana male,
Santa Clariana, Ecuador,
October 5, 2007, courtesy of Alex Cahurel, id by Bill Oehlke.
Superfamily: Bombycoidea, Latreille, 1802
Family: Saturniidae, Boisduval, [1837] 1834
Subfamily: Hemileucinae, Grote & Robinson, 1866
Tribe: Hemileucini, Grote & Robinson, 1866
Genus: Automeris, Hubner, [1819] |
"Someone to Watch Over Me"
copyright C. Odenkirk
Automeris pastaziana
(wingspan: males: mm; females: mm // forewing length: male: 43-45mm; female: unknown) flies in
Ecuador: Pastaza: Santa Clara, 2008-02-01, 1000m;
Sucumbios: Lumbaqui, 2007-11-08; 500-600m;
Napo: Perma Circo, 1000m, Misahualli and Hollin; and,
I believe, Orellana: Yasuni, 300m.

Automeris pastaziana male, Pastaza, Ecuador,
on my home computer only
Only four males have been barcoded as of journal publication in 2011, where pastaziana is described as larger than the sympatric
santaclariana in Santa Clara, Pastaza, Ecuador. The Terry Stoddard image from Orellana is smaller than expected for pastaziana or santaclariana,
and the pupil is larger than expected for either species, so it is either an undescribed species or within the limit of variation
for, most likely, pastaziana, based on stronger contrasts in forewing.
Limited sampling suggests the chocolate brown pastaziana is slightly larger than the more homogenous grey brown santaclariana.
In 2013 Frederic Beneluz equates A. santaclariana with Automeris despicata.
I think vergnei may also be sympatric with both species in northeastern Ecuador, but I believe vergnei, recently reinstated to full species status,
has a light coloured am line.
Automeris illustris Group 3
Automeris hamata subgroup e

Automeris santaclariana
Mfwl: 38-41mm; Ffwl: larger
Pastaza, 1000m; Peru: Amazonas
Fw gc: uniform, dull grey-brown
am, pm, sbtl lines very weak
Automeris illustris Group 3
Automeris hamata subgroup e

Automeris pastaziana
Mfwl: 43-45mm; Ffwl: larger
Fw gc: chocolate brown
am and pm lines more prevalent than in santaclariana;
sbtl line off-white in strong contrast
Succumbios, Napo, Pastaza
Automeris illustris Group 3
Automeris hamata subgroup e??

Automeris vergnei ??
Removed from synonymity with duchartrei
Ground colour is orangey brown.
The inner edge of the more striking hindwing yellow band
is perhaps lines with black rather than suffused with black.
Note squarish nature of hindwing at anal angle
Specimens have been taken in February and (October (TS)) and November.
Males use their more highly developed antennae to seek out females who release an
airbourne pheromone into the night sky.
Eggs are deposited in clusters of 6-40+ on hostplant twigs. Larvae have urticating spines and are gregarious,
especially in the early instars.
The species name, pastaziana, is indicative of a specimen type locale in Pastaza Province, Ecuador
Larval Food Plants
It is hoped that this alphabetical listing followed by the common name of the foodplant will
prove useful. The list is not exhaustive. Experimenting with closely related foodplants is worthwhile.
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